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"Please Uncle Lucius!" I begged for the third time today to see Hermione at the leaky cauldron

"No Y/n. I don't want to drive the car to that...that muggle town," he sneered

"But she is not at the Heathgate," I said as we walked into the kitchen,"She is at the leaky cauldron until school this Friday!" 

"What she doing there?" he asked me 

"She is getting her school supplies. Her parents bought her a room for the week seeing as they are going on a business trip," I told him with a half-lie,"If I am there you won't have to worry about me getting to the express as its right down the road,"

Lucius looked at me as his long blonde hair laid on his back in a low ponytail,"Give me an hour to think about it," 

I smiled grabbing a green apple Draco was about to eat and walked out of the kitchen. I headed up to my room and started packing. Either way I needed to pack my bag for my third year at school. Wow that's crazy to say I am going into third year. It feels just like yesterday I was a first year. 

I finished packing my large trunk filled with my school books, cauldrons, potions stuff, robes and other school items. I began packing my medium case full of clothes, shoes, makeup, hairproducts, bathroom essentials, Midnights supplies and medium canvas. My smaller case was filled with handheld canvases and small size one, paints, paintbrushs, coloring books and pencils. 

"Y/n!" called Lucius 

I headed downstairs smiling hearing him yell from his office. I knocked on the door and he said come in. I walked inside to see him with Aunt Narcissa. 

"You have my permission to go to hogsmeade," said Lucius as I got excited,"But you must text your Aunt or I everyday. We will give you extra money for food and other items you want to buy. Remember to spend your money wisely as you have the hogsmeade trips to think about as well," 

I nodded,"Thank you so much Uncle Lucius. I just have missed my best friend a lot," 

"We can tell," smiled Narcissa handing me a brown coin bag that was heavy and a smaller one,"Only keep a few galleons with you at a time," she whispered in my ear,"I placed a little more then your Uncle did for the others," she winked at me

"Thank you," I smiled brightly

"Off you go," said Lucius. 

I headed out of the room as soon as the door closed I ran to my room grabbing my trunks. I was able to move some of my medium trunks around to put the small one inside. I placed midnight who was asleep in my hoodie pocket as she loved the tightness of it. I picked up my trunks and placed her basket on my head before heading downstairs. 

I walked to the living room where Narcissa was,"You packed quickly," she chuckled

"I have been mostly pack this whole week making sure I got everything," I smiled as she sent the luggages through and the basket 

She nodded as I hugged her,"Have a good term. I will see you are Christmas," 

"Okay," I smiled brightly at her

"You leavin?" asked Tom looking up from his potions book

"Don't worry I will see you on the train," I told him

"Where are you going?" he asked

"Leaky Cauldron," 

He nodded returning to his book as Draco walked in,"You will miss Lorenzo and Theodore then. They are coming by in about an hour for our pool and to hang," 

"Oh well tell them I said Hi," I said

Mattheo and Draco nodded though I knew they weren't going to do it. I waved one more time before heading through to the leaky cauldron. I squeal hitting a chair,"Ow," I groaned

"Always such a clutz,"

I recognized that voice as I opened my eyes to see two boys looking exactly the same as their red hair to their ears,"FREDDIE! GEORGIE!" I smiled as George helped me up from the ground. 

"How is our favorite Riddle," said Fred hugging me

"Great! How are my favorite Weasley twins?" I smiled

"Perfect though it would be better if mum let us lock up Percy in a tomb," whispered George in my ear. I chuckled at them as Midnight woke up and went to my trunk and sat on top of it


I turned around to see a brown hair girl with less bushy to her hair running to me

"HERMIONE!" I yelled running to her as we crashed into a hug falling to the floor as we laughed 

"I missed you," she smiled at me

"I miss you too," I smiled as she helped me up

"Sorry boys we are stealing Y/n now," said Hermione to the twins as we grabbed my trunks 

The boys chuckled and walked away. Hermione and I lugged the trunks upstairs to her and Ginnys room. 

"Hey Gin," I smiled at her

"Hi Y/n. Summers been good?" 

"Brillant," I smiled  

We sat down and gossiped for a while before being called down by Mr.Weasley. We headed downstairs for dinner.

"Hey Harry. Hey Ron," 

Harry turned his head and spat out his water,"H-Hi," 

I chuckled at him as I walked with Hermione and Ginny. I paid for my meal as I talked with the Weasley family, Hermione, and Harry for a while. 

Later on Hermione, Harry, Ron and I went to a pet store so Ron could get his rat checked out as he was sick and Hermione could get an animal. I brought Midnight along so I could get her a check up from the owner to make sure she is healthy. 

"I don't think I am going to get a owl. A toad and rat seem like a lot," she started looking at the animals

I looked at this gorgeous orange cat,"Hermione," I smiled as he let me pet him. Hermione came over my shoulder and gasped,"He's beautiful," 

"He's been here a long time," said the clerk checking on Midnight,"About 12 years I'd say. Owners died," 

"Wow," said Hermione holding the cat who purred in her arms 

Scabbers, Ron's rat, went crazy running away from Hermione on the counter. I quickly picked up Midnight as she hissed at the rat but calmed in my arms. Hermione and Ron started having an argument about the two animals. Harry and I looked at each other before laughing,"I think they like each other," I whispered,"Hermione cheeks are blushing," 

"Ron's face is bright red," he whispered blushing at me. 

After we were done at the shop. I took Hermione so she could calm down from Ron to a dress shop. I bought a few dresses for parties. Hermione bought a few dresses. We spent the night in our room laughing and talking. 

"Girl shut up," I gasped,"He did not!" 

"I'm telling you Y/n, Hermione. George met the beautiful Egyptian women and flirted with her. She kicked him in the balls because he insulted her," said Ginny talking about their trip

Hermione and I fell back onto the bed with laughter. I turned over and bonked heads with Hermione making us both laugh more and fall off the bed. Ginny laughed at us being idiots before we calmed down after a few minutes. 

There was a knock on the door and it opened to Mrs.Weasley with curlers in her hair and a rode Long fluffy bathrobe on,"Go to bed girls," she smiled at us

We all giggled and got ready for bed. The rest of the week was a blast hanging out with the Weasleys. I swear there is never a dull moment with them its always high sprites and laughter. 

I pranked George one morning by putting shaving cream on his hand and Fred tickled him with a feather. The next morning George and I got a bucket of water and placed it over Fred bed so when he pulled the covers off he'd tip it over himself. Fred and George got me good by stealing Harrys invisibility cloak and messing with things around me all day yesterday. 

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now