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I walked into the Great Hall. It is currently October. Halloween is ten days away which is crazy.  I have gotten really close with Pansy, Daphne and Tracey since the night of the party. We told the boys about it and they said we should have invited them.  Enzo, Theo, Blaise, Mattheo and Draco are pretty cool though I don't really talk to Mattheo and Draco too much they give me really weird looks.

I saw Hermione with her nose in a book at the Gryffindor table. I walked up to her and covered her eyes,"Guess who,"

"Y/n," she said, moving my hands off her eyes.

I smiled sitting down,"Already reading for class?"

"You know me," she smiled,"I don't think you can sit here," she pointed out two older redheads scowling at me.

"Got a problem?" I asked them

"You're a Slytherin. Why are you sitting here?" said one of the boys

"Because Hermione here is my childhood best friend and I wanted to talk to her,"I told them

"Fred, George, chill out. There are no rules against houses sitting at different tables," said a girl which black curly hair next to them

"But she a Slytherin!" said one of the boys

"Oh Please! You're just jealous we got the good colors and emblem. Yours is just a lion. All it can do is rawr and eat animals. It has to have legs to survive. My emblem is a snake; a reptile that has no limbs. Poisonous or venomous, and its grip is so tight you could die in one minute of it if it wrapped around your neck,"

The boys was thunderstruck. His twin began laughing,"Damn Georgie. You got told by a cute first year,"

His twin slapped the back of his head,"Shut up, Fred,"

I chuckled,"Thanks for the compliment," I turned back to Hermione, "See you in class?"

She nodded and turned back to her book. I walked over to where Pansy, Daphne, and Tracey were,"Good Morning girls," I smiled sitting down and flipping my hair off my shoulder to my back

"Good Morning" smiled Daphne tiredly

I felt some people sit beside me and I looked to see Enzo, Theo and Blaise,"Morning Y/n/n," smiled Enzo

"Morning Enzo,"I nodded as he loaded his plate

"Why aren't you eating?" he asked

"Oh I had some at the Gryffindor table when I talked to 'Mione," I told him

He nodded,"Okay,"

"Why so worried about Y/n?" teased Theo as Enzo blushed

"Probably because he has a heart unlike you,"I chuckled playfully as he stuck out his tongue. Pansy shivered next to me,"Cold Pansy?"

"Yeah. The fire above us is going out," she pointed up,"I'll get an older student," she looked around

"No need," I said, sending a fireball up to the pit with my hand. It lit the fire making a large flame which scared some but Snape waved his wand calming it down

"Miss. Riddle, No use of your powers until you master to control them," said Snape

"Sorry Professor,"

He scowled,"Get to class"

We all pulled out our phones. I opened mine up and went to the Schedule app.

"I have Charms, Transfiguration, History of Magic and Herbology in that order,"I said looking at my phone

I noticed that all my friends had a lot better phones then I do and I felt self-conscious about it and put it away as they looked up.

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now