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"You really lost us 50 points!" The sound of my scolding echoed through the empty corridors as I angrily confronted Draco about losing 50 points for Slytherin. I had worked hard in Charms and Potions to earn those points, and now they were all gone. "Sorry," he muttered nonchalantly, as if it didn't matter.

"But you couldn't resist sneaking out at night to see what Harry was up to?" I snapped.

Draco's eyes lit up at the mention of his rival "He was at the keepers house," he explained with a smirk.

My curiosity piqued at this piece of information. "What? What were they doing?" I asked eagerly.

"They had a dragon egg," Draco revealed

My jaw dropped in shock. "Dragons are real?" I exclaimed.

Blaise, who had been listening in on our conversation, chuckled at my disbelief. "Yes Y/n, dragons are very real," he confirmed.

"But...but what were they doing with an egg?" I pressed, unable to wrap my head around the idea of actual dragons existing in our world.

"I have no idea," shrugged Draco "I only caught a glimpse after following them down there after dinner." He then added with a grin, "But I did get detention on May 4th."

"Good," Tracey chimed in as we made our way to Potions class. Clearly, she wasn't too pleased with Draco's actions either.

We got to the Potions classroom and the door was closed. We waited against the wall. I pulled out my phone and texted Hermione


                                                   A dragon egg!Who are you and what have you done with my best friend

I know.
But if it wasn't for Malfoy we wouldn't have been caught

Mione you lost gryffindor 150 points!How did they take it?

Not good. But I think I can earn some back today!


I closed my phone putting it in my pocket. Mattheo , stood beside me, his face hidden from the rest of the group by his hood. As we all chatted and joked around, I could feel the tension radiating from him. Concerned, I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and asked softly, "You alright?"

He mumbled, "Y-Yeah," and looked away.

"Matty, what's wrong?" I pressed gently.

"Nothing," he insisted stubbornly.

I gave him a knowing look and said, "Look at me then."

Reluctantly, he turned to face me. His black-rimmed glasses with round bottoms and a straight top caught my attention. Before I could comment, he quickly looked down again.

"You wear glasses?" I observed quietly, realizing that he must be trying to hide them from our friends.

"Yeah," he confirmed with a nod. "Normally I just wear contacts but I ran out of solution a few days ago," he explained bashfully.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of, Matt," I reassured him.

But his response was a sneer as he muttered, "I look like a nerd."

Theo suddenly joined our conversation, jumping in with his usual humor. "Who looks like a nerd?" he teased. "Why you looking down Mattheo? Got some bad acne?" He laughed.

"Not now Theo," I scolded him with a glare.

Mattheo's face fell and he pulled away from me, his eyes downcast as he murmured, "Yeah, I do actually."

My heart clenched at the sadness in his voice. I knew how struggling with your self image could make you feel alone and unwanted. But seeing Mattheo struggled with his self-image hurt my heart

I turned to Theo and said sharply, "Apologize."

Theo's grin faded as he realized the impact of his words. "Sorry mate," he muttered sincerely.

Before Mattheo could respond, Tracey bounded over to us with a wide smile on her face. "What are you guys talking about?" she asked curiously.

I quickly shook my head, not wanting to embarrass Mattheo any further. But Tracey was persistent and eventually dragged the truth out of him,"Come on Mattheo it can't be that bad. Everyone has a bit of acne at this age,"she pointed to a few pimples on her face that were covered with pimple patches

"Its not acne," muttered Mattheo

"Then what is it?" she asked looking at me

Mattheo looked up,"I look like a nerd,"

"Oh please," she scoffed. "You look fine, Matty. And glasses are cool now anyways."

I couldn't help but laugh at her blunt honesty, grateful for her ability to always lighten the mood. Mattheo even cracked a small smile and I could see some of the tension leaving his shoulders.

"No Potions class today students. Professor Snape is ill," said McGonagall walking up to us

Instead of going to the Slytherin common room. My friends and I decided the May sun.I sat down on the grass enjoying the sun.

"Nice glasses Mattheo," said Blaise,"Looking sharp,"

Mattheo nodded,"Thanks,"

"Damn dude. Looking hot," called Theo skipping rocks at the black lake having everyone laugh

"See," I told Mattheo

Mattheo pushed my head making me lean into Daphne. I pushed Mattheo into Enzo who laughed at us. Mattheo sent water at me and I squealed,"No fair!" I groaned,"If I sent fire at you you'd get hurt!" 

"Haha," said Mattheo 

I glared at him standing up. I headed to Pansy who was at the edge of the lake looking at it,"Do you think we can go in?" she asked me

I shruggeWhat'sats the worst that could happen?" I took off my socks and shoes before walking in

"Y/n your crazy!" called Daphne laughing at me

"Thank you," I smiled tossing Pansy my robes. I was now in my skirt and button up shirt. 

I looked up enjoying the sun feeling the water on my calves as the giant squid splashed holding a bright red ball that it was playing with. There was a sound of water moving behind me before a arm slug around my shoulder. I looked at Enzo who had his pants rolled up to his knees as the water hit his calves. 

"This feels nice," said Enzo 

"It really does," I nodded smiling up at him 

He smiled looking back at the lake. The next thing I knew is I felt a body jumping onto me before I fell into the water. I opened my eyes in the water seeing Hermione next to me. I got up from the water breathing,"I'm going to kill you Mione," 

She laughed,"Try it if you can Y/n/n,"

I splashed her with water as she ran out of the lake. I followed her out. She ran past Draco who was looking at us like we were weird. I jumped over Tracey who was laying down. I managed to get to Hermione and we both fell down onto the ground. 

"Got you," I chuckled 

"That you did," she smiled at me before we both busted out laughing on the grass 

I got up and helped her up,"How'd you know we were out here?" I asked

"My room faces the Black Lake," she pointed up at a tower,"I saw you walking into the lake so I decided to jump you," she giggled

I rolled my eyes at her. I looked at us realizing both of our outfits soaked. I knew my hair would become frizzy and a mess. Hermione smiling at me as she placed her hair into a bun,"Look in your bag," she told me before she waved her wand muttering a drying spell we learned in charms last week.My clothes became dry again

"I can't with you," I smiled at her

"You love me," she giggled

I nodded,"Hell yeah I do,"  

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now