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"Y/n hurry up!" called Mattheo

I headed out of my room quickly with my bag. Today was the day of the Quidditch World Cup. I headed downstairs as quickly as I could in heals. I braided my hair knowing it was a bit of a mess. I was going to fix it at the campsite. 

"Grab on," said Narcissa quickly

We grabbed onto the golden spoon. I felt myself pulled back and my feet off the ground. Tom grabbed my arm as he said Let go which I did. Tom helped me float down to the ground. 

"Woah," I said feeling very weird adjusting my black dress. 

"Congrats Y/n you just traveled by port key," smirked Mattheo in his suit. 

I looked around to see many tents set up around the property. Lucius had already started out to our campsite. I tried to follow as quickly as possible but rocks and heels don't mix very well. He stopped and waved his wand quickly. The tent slowly built itself with having 'workers' do it. Once it was done he motioned us inside. 

Narcissa and I went in first. The tent was huge on the inside. I was in awe for how big it truly was. 

"Y/n your room is over there. Draco beside her. Mattheo next room and Tom last room," said Lucius 

We nodded and headed to our respective rooms. I peaked my head out,"Can I go to the shops?" I asked 

"Sure. But be back in an hour," said Narcissa 

"Can we go to?" said Mattheo

Narcissa nodded. I grabbed my money and Draco, Mattheo and I headed to the shops,"So who do think will win?" I asked 

"Bulgaria," the boys said in unison 

"I think Irish is going to win," I shrugged

"Are you high or something. There is no way Irish is going to win when Bulgaria has the fastest seeker in the world on their team," scoffed Draco as we reached the shops

I rolled my eyes at him as many people walked around talking about the game. I looked at a table and grabbed shamrock earrings as well as a green necklace. 


I turned around to see Cedric,"Hey Ced!" I smiled

He wrapped his arms around me,"I forgot you'd gotten tickets," he looked at me before bitting his lip,"Damn," he breathed

I chuckled at him,"I'm sorry I am not able to talk. I have to get back to my tent," 

"Of course," he nodded

I kissed his cheek before heading to the boys. We walked back to the tent. I went into my room. I decided to finish getting ready. I completed my makeup and braided my hair better then what it was this morning. I decided to read for a while as the game was tonight at 5pm and its 2pm. 

"Y/n dear are you ready?" asked Narcissa coming into my room

"Oh yes. I am," I nodded. I grabbed my purse and followed her. 

We headed to the stadium. I could have sworn I saw a group of red-heads. But we were stopped by a bunch of Ministry workers. Lucius greeted them before we were allowed to go up to the ministers box. 

Lucius and Narcissa headed inside with the Minister followed by me and the boys. I looked around at the velvet box in awe. I followed Tom down to our seats and saw the Weasley twins In Front of me. I wrapped my arms around them,"How is my favorite red-head twins?" I asked looking between them

"Great Y/n/n. How is my favorite Riddle doing?" said George smiling up at me

"I am going alright," I said as I hugged Hermione who came between the twins to me. 

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now