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HomeA post-apocalyptic strategy for rebirthRebirth: Apocalyptic Strategy_Chapter 1

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Rebirth: Apocalyptic Strategy_Chapter 1

Aqiqi Ctrl+D Bookmark this site

Title: Rebirth: A Guide to the End of the World

Author: Aqiqi


Mu Chao was reborn with his own space.

In this life, he will never let himself be so stupid again.

So the well-prepared Mu Xiaoye once again broke into the last days.

space, there is; Materials, there is; Good brother, there it is;

Eh, Shen Soul, don't touch your hands!

Eh, sir, my acceptance of your confession does not mean that Lao Tzu will let you estrus with Lao Tzu casually!

Eh, you dare to look at that little goblin!

Eh, eh... Not......

"The little wood fried hair is so cute."

"Who allowed you to kiss Lao Tzu! Lao Tzu is the attack!

Below is the generalization bacteria

1. This article is not Our Lady to [Before the rebirth was the Virgin Mary, but a brushstroke, everyone made it good, and after the rebirth, the human nature is relatively cold╮(╯▽╰)╭ ]

2. Strong and strong text [Although Mu Chao looks relatively weak, he is very strong in his heart. Shen Chen is actually XD Mu Chao who has a crush on Mu Chao, and Mu Chao is attacked by X Shen Chen]

3. Space, Ability Class [Old-fashioned but easy to use]

4. There are scum and white lotus and revenge plots

5. There will be bloody depictions... bar

6. Although I don't make myself, why do I open the pit of the end times, but I will write well [Perseverance Grip Claw]

7. The author is very unfamiliar at first glance and asks for advice and suggestions

8. I can't think of provoking "o((>ω< ))o"

Content tags: strong strong love rebirth apocalypse

Search keywords: protagonist: Mu Chao, Shen Chen ┃ Supporting role: ┃ Others: strong, apocalyptic

☆, death and rebirth

December 26, 2099


There are three days left, and it is the arrival of the new century...

Mu Chao was □□ tied to the cold experimental table, and the operating light above his head illuminated his eyes in a trance. His body is controlled by drugs developed by the research institute to deal with the supernatural, and his current mental power is unable to attack anyone, not even simple object movement...

He's been here for more than ten days...

Beside him were white lab coats pointing at him, wearing medical caps and masks, and the only eyes that showed were eagerly looking at his body, or rather his collarbone.

There, there is a complicated pattern.

The cold scalpel slit open his wrist, "Uhh Mu Chao cried out in pain, his voice hoarse, as if he was polishing on an abrasive cloth. Without any anesthetic, the pain made Mu Chao come back to his senses slightly, this kind of thing he had experienced countless times in the past few days. Blood draws, injections, for the sake of data integrity, they never anesthetize his pain without killing him. Mu Chao no longer has a piece of good meat on his body except for the pattern.

If Shen Chen was here, he would scold himself, right? Mu Chao thought stupidly, he remembered the scene when Shen Chen died, Shen Chen was alone in the crowd, and the people he rescued were pointing at Shen Chen on the wall of the base... Mu Chao closed his eyes, he remembered Shen Chen's angry shout, and at this moment, his so-called poor people were pressing him, watching his best brother be thrown into a small group of corpses and blew himself up after being besieged by a dozen supernatural people, and then those who killed his brother also handed him over to the research institute in exchange for something for them to survive...

Behind the glass over there, there was a familiar face. Mu Chao turned his perspective and looked at the girl who was snuggling up next to the tall man. Before, she was still beside him with admiration and admiration to praise his benevolence and righteousness, and even took herself to meet her father, the person who had the first right in the base, at that time Mu Chao never noticed how cold Shen Chen's face was, but happily thought that he had a lover to accompany him, until he was arrested and Shen Chen was framed, he knew that the girl had already had a fiancé, and the other party was the heir of a big family in the base...

Come to think of it, Shen Chen already liked himself at that time, right? Shen Chen is gay. Mu Chao has always known. He has never discriminated against this brother who has played with him since he was a child. He wasn't surprised. Before Shen Chen's parents had an accident, Shen Chen only had a mother. There was only him and his frail mother in the small room, and in Shen Chen's childhood memories, his father was just a stranger who came in a luxury car and left with a wad of money. Mu Chao once watched Shen Chen take the money expressionlessly, and then waited for the man to leave, pulling out a weak smile at him.

Mu Chao hooked the corners of his lips and smiled mockingly. He laughed at his innocence, at his powerlessness, at his dying ability to see his heart clearly... Since the end of the world, he has saved more than a thousand people, and he thinks that with the Mixed Sky Bead, he can make people's lives better. Those people, when they were saved, swore that they would not forget their kindness, and now, they watched Shen Chen die tragically and watched him betrayed. Mu Chao remembered the numbness on those people's faces... Yes, when you can't guarantee yourself, who still has the ability to care about the life and death of others.

Mu Chao had an epiphany for a moment, and then the sharp pain in his heart made him scream. He saw men dressed in a much resemblance to the uniform he had once had, holding a red jumping thing in their hands... That's his heart...

December 28, 2099


Mu Chao, dead.

The people in the laboratory watched as the "test subject" died with a look of reluctance and pain. And the pattern on his collarbone that fascinated them faded...

"Look at the good things you've done!" The man behind the glass walked in angrily, holding his fiancée with one hand and pointing at the researcher's nose.

"How so? What about my space? Lin Qiqi pouted dissatisfiedly, she looked at the corpse in disgust, "Ah Kun, forget it... Let's go back, it's a disappointment.

Tian Kun led Lin Qiqi out of the research institute, while Mu Chao's body was pushed aside to be disposed of.

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