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HomeA post-apocalyptic strategy for rebirthRebirth: Apocalyptic Strategy_Chapter 23

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Rebirth: Apocalyptic Strategy_Chapter 23

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Xu Hui changed his delicate appearance. Said coldly: "What do you want to do?"

"You've been out with them, so knowing their way, we work together to get the people you want." Liang Tian's thumb rubbed against Xu Hui's face, and then to his lips. "But now you have more appetite than me." After that, put Xu Hui on his shoulder.

Xu Hui didn't struggle, he knew he couldn't beat this man, and who would refuse the opportunity to solve his desires?


On the other side, Qin Mian agreed to go out with Mu Chao and them to practice, so Mu Chao's team had another second-order ability.

At night, Qin Mian went to Su Yuan's room, and the first time the five of them had dinner together, it was regarded as welcoming Qin Mian to join.

Su Yuan untied a bag of ready-to-eat chicken wings and stir-fried them in a pan. After a while, the braised chicken wings came out of the pot, and then two vegetarian vegetables were stir-fried to make an egg drop soup, just as the rice was just cooked.

After the end of Qin Mian, what he ate was very simple, how could he have eaten these. Although it is a home-cooked meal, it still attracts people's fingers and appetite.

"Hey, Xiaoyuan, why are these two only vegetables and no meat QAQ" Mu Xiaoye expressed dissatisfaction, he is a carnivore QAQ.

"You need nutrition! Don't call anymore! Otherwise, you won't be able to eat! Su Yuan was domineering and exposed, holding a plate of chicken wings and threatening...

"Ahh Achen, Xiaoyuan bullied your husband and QAQ, you don't care! Master Mu flattened his mouth and looked at Shen's belly.

"I'm very much in favor of Xiaoyuan, and besides, I don't mind letting you know who my husband is tonight." Shen Chen winked ambiguously at Mu Chao.

"Stupid." This is Suzhou and Hangzhou that have been ▼_▼.

"You guys can do this to me, QAAAQ"

"It's easy to get constipated if you don't eat greens. Eating too much meat is easy to get high blood pressure, easy to get fat, easy to get angry, and you are like this now, I think it should be that eating too much meat affects IQ. Su Yuan complained expressionlessly, in fact, she had already laughed in her heart...

"QAQ is a bad guy!"

Qin Mian thinks, is this team really okay, why does QAQ look so unreliable, and I really want to regret it?

The author has something to say: Say good two more!

I am an obedient author!

I'm a happy author!

Come and take it away~

Obtain Monkey King Crystal*1

Get a mysterious clue to P City

[P City Dungeon] opens


☆、Overnight stay

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