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HomeA post-apocalyptic strategy for rebirthRebirth: Apocalyptic Strategy_Chapter 2

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Rebirth: Apocalyptic Strategy_Chapter 2

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No one could see it, and an almost transparent figure in mid-air was looking at them coldly...

December 29, 2099

The southwest base ushered in the largest corpse tide in history, the front line completely collapsed, and a large number of casualties...

January 1, 2100

The southwest base was completely wiped out.

================The dividing line of rebirth is greatly ==============

"Bell—" The alarm clock seemed to finally disturb the people in the bed. Under the beige quilt, a slender pale hand reached out and touched the bedside table a few times, turning off the disturbing ringtone.

The comfortable feeling under his body made Mu Chao seem to be still in a dream, but that tragic scene made Mu Chao tremble and woke up suddenly.

Familiar furniture, familiar layout. The sun shines through the gaps in the curtains on the quilt... Mu Chao was stunned for a moment, almost trembling and took the phone...

July 4, 2096

There is only a week and a half before the disaster strikes!

Mu Chao lifted the quilt violently, stumbled to the toilet, and the smooth upper body collarbone, the pattern was complicated and bewitching, and the beauty was unreal. Mu Chao turned on the faucet and forced himself to calm down with cold water. The miserable image lingered in his mind, but he was no longer the one who could do nothing.

The hand propped up on the edge of the pool clenched into a fist, and the veins on the back of the hand bulged.

One hand was placed on the pattern, and he entered silently. A burst of white light flashed, Mu Chao was already in the space, he frowned, the space was not as big as before the rebirth, there was a thick white fog all around, only a wooden house was exposed, a small pool, the stone with words engraved on the side of the pool and a vacant space connected to the pool was about the size of two rooms and a living room. Mu Chao approached the wooden house, saying that it was a small wooden house, in fact, there were rows of wooden cabinets, each cabinet had 7*8 compartments on it, these cabinets were the same as the backpack when playing games, and the items could be stacked in units of 300, he had a total of 40 wooden cabinets, and a wooden cabinet was 56 compartments, and the number of things that could be stored was a large number. Mu Chao opened a compartment, and there were a few old quilts in it... It seems that the previous things have followed him to the present with his rebirth, and at that time, he only had space after the end of the world, and he didn't have much material to collect, not to mention saving people along the way, and most of it was divided...

Mu Chao scooped up some water and walked out of the space. The water of the space can cleanse the body of dirt like the novels he reads. His mental power now is not enough to make the white mist of space disappear, and he only has a little bit of energy to absorb...

Speaking of space, it was discovered after Mu Chao inadvertently smeared the blood, it was originally known as the Mixed Sky Bead, which was used to store things in ancient times, the wooden house can be expanded with the owner's spiritual power, and the size of the space is unimaginable to Mu Chao... Due to the tragic death of Mu Chao in his previous life, Chaotian Dzi reversed time with almost all of his mana for the owner... These are all things that Mu Chao only learned about later.

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