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HomeA post-apocalyptic strategy for rebirthRebirth: Apocalyptic Strategy_Chapter 110

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Rebirth: Apocalyptic Strategy_Chapter 110

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The author has something to say: Something happened at home, and it was just in time for school to start

The author did not save the manuscript.

So the update will be very unstable QAQ

I'm sorry everyone

There are about four or five chapters left to finish this article...

☆, Taihang Mountain exploration team

The Northwest Base began to formally recruit personnel to carry out missions in the Taihang Mountains.

On the board in the mission hall, the content of the mission is written in red lettering. And after that, the three S's are clearly marked. Behind it is the mission level, which everyone knows.

The teams that saw this quest were all caught up in a whispering discussion.

At the same time, in the Adeptus mission halls of bases across China, the first mission became this mission, and it has always existed.

Mu Chao glanced at it and walked towards the registration office. There was a long queue at the registry office. Many teams are here to inquire about the details of the mission. There is no real place of registration.

"Huh! Someone registered! A man's surprised voice suddenly erupted in the crowd.

Immediately, the focus of the crowd's discussion changed from the content of the task to the configuration of the team.

The people in front of Mu Chao scattered a lot. Soon it will be their turn.

"Hello, please show your ability team logo." The girl was smiling standardly. Respectful.

Mu Chao handed over the logo of his team. The girl took the machine and swept it on the table. "What is the task you want to register...?"

"Can you still take the first SSS mission?"

The girl who received her was surprised for a moment, and immediately smiled again: "Of course." All teams can sign up until the end of the mission. After confirming it again, he registered the team information of Mu Chao's team on the computer.

Almost all the people in the Northwest Base knew everyone in the Southern Expedition at that time. Even if you don't know anyone, you will be familiar with this team with small children.

However, with their beginning, everyone also found that the tasks that were picked up by the two teams still did not disappear. Behind them, there was a lot of noise again.

"It shouldn't be that easy, right?" Mu Chao didn't leave. Stand aside and look at those who registered. Although it is not allowed to recognize people by their appearance.

"Indeed, there are too many people. This mission cannot be limited to our base. Suddenly, a voice appeared beside him. Mu Chao turned around and saw Xiao Jing waving at him.

Huang Feng let go of the military advisor who had been pestered by him and didn't get bored for a long time. "Xiao Mu, we also took this task, but why did we go to Taihang Mountain? The military advisor just told us that there will definitely be a move to brush people at the base. Will we be brushed down? Oh, I don't want to be separated from my military advisor, huh..."

Black...... I feel that Erhuang is so nagging and kind, or something, it must be an illusion!

The two teams walked out in agreement. There's not much they can do. It's better to do it for someone else.

They hadn't walked out long before they heard a message from the loudspeaker on the side of the road, the clear and gentle voice of the female anchor. At the same time, Du Ming also ran towards them from a distance in high spirits.

Dr. Jiang Xie has developed an elixir that can turn ordinary people into supernatural beings!

The female anchor said a lot of words, which can be summed up as this news.

When the news broke, the whole country was in an uproar.

And at this moment, only Su Yuan was alone with a black face. Standing across from her was the man who had succeeded in this experiment, Du Ming. Everyone walked back in amusement, except for Su Hang, everyone else left room for the two young people.

"You can take this back." Su Yuan returned the necklace she had been wearing around her neck to Du Ming. The face was tense.

Du Ming still had a happy smile on his face. And Su Yuan didn't seem to be in his plan this time, with two expressions of surprise and joy on his face, looking stupid and stupid. Started with the necklace with Su Yuan's body temperature, but Du Ming still didn't react.

Su Yuan saw that he didn't have anything to say, so he turned around and was about to leave.

"Why!" Du Ming was in a hurry. grabbed Su Yuan's hand.

"Why? You love being a paranormal so much. "Shake off the warmth on your wrists. Striding forward. Go after your own family.

Du Ming still wanted to chase, but was stopped by Su Hang.

Although he has become an anomaly, how dare Du Ming use his ability on his future brother-in-law. If you are in a hurry, you can only scratch your ears and cheeks. Su Hang is not a weak chicken. If you stop him, you will have your own strength.

Seeing that Su Hang would never let him go, Su Yuan's figure also disappeared in his eyes. Du Ming finally put down his hand. looked at Su Hang with a wistful expression: "Brother-in-law, what do you want to do?"

Su Hang's face did not change: "First of all, you and my sister have not yet determined the real relationship, and they are even on the verge of breaking up, so don't call me brother-in-law." Can't afford it.

A stab.

"Secondly, you don't even know why my sister is angry and why she wants to break up with you, and you still want to chase her back? You've got all the mush in your head? You don't know her at all. What else qualifies you to say that you like my sister?

Two stabs.

"Finally, come back to my sister when you really find out what you're doing wrong. Otherwise, even if I look like a weak chicken, you are not my opponent.

Three stabs.

Su Hang turned and left. He's going back to comfort his sister!

Leaving Du Ming, who was covered in blood by Su Hang's hidden skill "Language Knife", was about to cry and faint in the toilet.


Will Su Hang comfort Su Yuan? Are you teasing me? His mouth is very sharp, but how is it possible to comfort people?

So this kind of thing is the responsibility of fathers. Su Hang said that he was only responsible for the man, and it would be good if he didn't let his sister see his sister before he was willing.

Mu Chao knew why his eldest daughter was so angry that she wanted to break up.

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