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HomeA post-apocalyptic strategy for rebirthRebirth: The End of the World_Chapter 60

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Rebirth: The End of the World_Chapter 60

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Not daring to let others know, Mu Chao could only pretend not to be worried, and in just two days, he had already begun to change... So what's next?

Space was his last resort.

In the milky white water, Shen Chen lay quietly inside. Mu Chao carefully held his head, afraid that he would choke on the water. I saw that the wound on Shen Chen's shoulder began to bubble out, and a black liquid the thickness of a finger began to bubble out!

The black liquid seemed to be alive, and as soon as it came out of the wound, it fled in all directions, but this milky white water was like a natural enemy, strangling all the black! Some tried to return to the wound, but were stopped halfway through, and then disappeared into the white water.

Mu Chao watched thrillingly. If those black things are viruses, then in this case, can the water of space cure viruses?! Isn't it possible for zombies to turn back into humans just because they drink space water? I interrupted my illusory thought again. What about even becoming human? How many people can accept that they kill and eat the people they love the most?

But how did the water change color, it seems to be whiter now.

The black toxins were still coming out, but they were getting thinner and thinner, and the space water was getting whiter and whiter. It seems that I just poured the water filled with red stones back into the space before, but I didn't pour it into the space water.

Mu Chao's hands were stiff and numb, and they were still sore and sore, but he still didn't put it down, seeing that Shen Chen's wound was no longer black, and his face was gradually ruddy, he dared to breathe a sigh of relief.

It's really, so tired! When will you wake up, this idiot~ Thinking so, he still attached himself and gently kissed the forehead of the person in the water.

Wake up. Just think of you.

The author has something to say: I've been getting lazier lately

╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭ And there seem to be fewer and fewer people reading books and leaving messages

╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭ Everyone doesn't love me

╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭ Alas

☆, traps

A few people outside the door began to be busy. Every time Mu Chao and Shen Chen are in the room, everyone will quit with interest, who knows if something inappropriate for children will happen?

Qin Mian helped Su Yuan cook, and she had shredded a potato like a piece to now, and her knife skills were already very good~ The men and boys were wiping their weapons on the side. They rarely use guns. Because it's not necessary. Yu Chen looked at the black, shiny guns, and his eyes rolled.

"Sister Qin, will you really help me protect my sister and get rid of Chen Wangba?" Yu Chen squatted beside Qin Mian and looked up at her, like a puppy. Poor one. Qin Mian can't stand this kind of offensive the most, don't look at the appearance of a royal sister, but she loves fluffy little animals.

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