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HomeA post-apocalyptic strategy for rebirthRebirth: Apocalyptic Strategy_Chapter 113

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Rebirth: Apocalyptic Strategy_Chapter 113

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silently lifted up the jaw that fell to the ground.

There are no experts in this area among them. I can't tell what period these dinosaurs belong to.

Before the operation began, the base specially sent the best flying troops to explore the Taihang Mountain, but found nothing except the environment of snow and green trees outside.

The people in the team who had been to Taihang Mountain even said that they had never seen these trees.

There are so many big guys here, if the zombie tide comes, let alone a humanoid, it will evolve again, one by one, and it will be stepped on to death.

Is that why zombie waves don't come here?

Although he found the answer to the corpse tide that bypassed from the northeast, Mu Chao vaguely felt that it was not enough. This reason is not enough.


Fearing that they would disturb the rest of these miraculous beings, sixty people quietly walked down the place where they were.

Stepping on land, surrounded by plants that reach almost up to your shoulders.

There is no time to marvel at the amazing view. Each of them had a machete, and the road was under his feet. The way forward has been tentatively set. Ahead, they don't know what they're going to encounter.

"Daddy, go here." Buli suddenly grabbed Mu Chao's sleeve. Pleading with his face up.

Because of his lack of height, he has been closely following Su Hang's side. With Su Yuan Du Ming. The four children took care of each other and were stronger than many adults along the way.

Mu Chao looked at him deeply. Immediately come forward and negotiate with Jian Cheng. The team changed direction. Not separated from being held in his arms, very quiet, Tuanzi's face is flat, but there are deeper feelings in his eyes. Is it yearning? Or nostalgia?

In front of him was the most cordial wood-based ability here, followed by Jian Cheng, the captain, and he was followed by Mu Chao's team.

And now, they are facing a pack of velociraptors. A group of velociraptors eating.

Even if you don't study dinosaurs, as long as you go to museums and watch movies about dinosaurs, you will know their "prestige". These are pretty intelligent carnivorous social animals.

Seeing the velociraptor land for a moment, everyone invariably slowed down, wishing that they had grown wings and would not touch the ground at once. The sluggishness of the action led to an increasingly tense atmosphere. Everyone wants to get through quickly, and don't let the carnivorous guys notice.

But it backfired.

"Click" I don't know who stepped on the branch on the ground.

The dinosaurs, who had been feasting on their feasts, raised their heads suddenly, and their huge mouths still carried the minced flesh of an unknown dragon. The vertical pupils looked straight over here.

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