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Rebirth: Apocalyptic Strategy_Chapter 4

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"Mom, Dad! How are you guys? I said don't go out, you still don't believe it... Yes! The man opened the door and saw the scene of his elderly mother being bitten on the throat by his father, who waved at him in terror and told him to leave, while he dragged the zombie with his old hand to catch a new prey. As soon as the zombie turned around, he took another bite at the prey that was not dead, and then squatted down to tear the belly of the prey and fill his belly...


A group of people nested in a house of less than 100 square meters, and they still have the immaturity of just leaving the campus. Thriller lovers have long been popularized to them all kinds of apocalypse, teenagers and girls huddled together, and small cries are heard from time to time.

"We can't stay any longer, we need to go home and see how our parents are doing." A boy who looked like a leader stood up and said, "Let's find your own weapons, preferably sticks or something." A smile appeared on his face as he glanced at the girls who were shivering next to him. Kiki and I can go, our family is all the way, and I can escort you home. "Others don't know, how can he not know as the president of the student council? Lin Qiqi's family is strength will definitely find this girl, and she will be saved.

Thinking of the submissive parents at home, the boy's eyes gradually turned cold, do such useless parents still need him to save them? I'm afraid I'll have become a man-eating monster a long time ago.


"Xiaoyuan, take your brother and leave! Leave us alone. The woman, who was slashing at the zombies trying to enter the house with her husband, turned back and yelled at her frightened children.

Su Yuan couldn't cry for a long time, and her legs didn't seem to be able to bear the weight of her body. But he gritted his teeth, carried his younger brother, who had just woken up from a coma, on his back, held a kitchen knife in his hand, and climbed down the sheet tied from the window little by little.

"Sister... I'm afraid—" The little boy grabbed his sister's hand tightly.

Su Yuan took a deep breath and raised her hand at the zombies rushing over, and a wind blade flew towards the necks of the two zombies, and the two heads flew far away in an instant...


July 2096, 7

The first day of the outbreak of the apocalypse


When he woke up, Shen Chen found the rope on his wrist, and then looked at Mu Chao, who was unconscious, and the tenderness in his eyes was even worse. Little wood, how can you let me go of you if you are so gentle? hugged Mu Chao to the bed and let the other party snuggle in his arms. Shen Chen thought about the unknown energy in his body, maybe this was the ability that Xiao Mu said. But how can there be two strands? Mu Chao didn't mention Shen Chen's dual-line ability, but Shen Chen himself explored the trick, compared to eating ready-made after being told by others, he explored the ability and had a better understanding of the ability.

"Hmm..." Mu Chao woke up from his coma, the tip of his nose lingering with the smell of grass. He found out that he was in Shen Chen's arms! It's in the arms! This pose... For the sake of figuring out the harmony between men and men, a certain super who had watched calcium all night long expressed the sadness of Dandan... This is clear, this is clearly a QAQ

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