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HomeA post-apocalyptic strategy for rebirthRebirth: Apocalyptic Strategy_Chapter 107

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Rebirth: Apocalyptic Strategy_Chapter 107

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Chen Tianyu's face instantly darkened when he heard his voice. "Kill them." He commanded his men. It is impossible for ordinary people to come between the outer city and the inner city. The Adeptus was dragged by the tide of corpses, which meant that they were the only two of them who came to find fault.

Mu Chao had already replenished a little spiritual power before. You don't even need to teleport. Ordinary space compression moves itself to the interior of the cabin.

"Captain Chen, you want to go with me." After that, he pulled up Chen Tianyu, and before he could react, he pulled out of the cabin. Throw it to Liang Tian at the back.

Just know that there is no good thing! Liang Tian was about to scold his mother. But he didn't dare to resist... I had to pinch my hand on Chen Tianyu's neck and twist his arm with one hand.

Mu Chao returned to the cabin again.

He understands what those people say, a "Baga" and a "Smecta". Spread your hands.

"As for you, go with the zombies." It doesn't matter if the other party understands it or not. Mu Chao took the entire plane and disappeared into the eyes of everyone at the airport where the inner city had taken refuge.


Just for a moment. The zombies surrounded the plane. The zombies could be seen on the machine window, banging on the fuselage. And behind their planes, and not closed!

Crawling species crawling around on airplanes and looking inside from the window; Fortified species, brutal species, and mutant species, these zombies crashed into the fuselage one by one. Sharp claws scratched the fuselage, making a harsh, disgusting sound.

There are very few people on the plane. Because the convoy is carrying too much space. Now, it has become their most regrettable moment.

Mu Chao had already teleported himself when he transferred the plane to the zombie tide.

So at the inner city airport, people saw Mu Chao, who was pale, and went back again.


"Chief, a plane was found over there, and life activity was detected, did you rescue it?" Commander Wang looked at where the creep was pointing. There, even if he didn't need to point out, he could see such a big plane.

"No, I don't." He heard his own cold voice say this.

The creep was visibly stunned for a moment, but still carried out the order.

He didn't know that Commander Wang was familiar with the plane. That's the planes of the base chiefs.

However, the sudden appearance of a plane bought them time to resist the tide of corpses and attracted their attention. The soldiers and paranormal people on the front line can finally take a breath.


When he returned to Shen Chen's side, Mu Chao felt better. I've never tried to move such a huge object, and there are so many people in it, and my mental power has been squeezed out.

Wiped the sweat from his head.

"Vice Captain Shen, what do you want to do by doing this!" Chen Tianyu said sharply. It's just that now, he can only put on a prestige, and he knows that without the help of those people, a few catties and taels are a problem. There is only one cowardly Liu Guigui by his side, although the guards are all there, but what is the escort team called without the master?

As he expected, except for Liu Guigui's escort team, the others had already disbanded on their own.

Chen Tianyu looked at Liu Guigui with a frightened expression. The feeling of my life rising all at once.

Where has Mrs. Xie seen Liu Guigui's cowardice? Liquid that was suffocating from under the crotch flowed out. My heart was sour and relieved. pounced on it and scolded Liu Guigui.

Mu Chao didn't have any other time to care about that. "We've been able to control the corpse tide for the most part, don't you know yet? Captain Chen?

Chen Tianyu's eyes widened and he controlled it? Then why did the people sent from the front send the information that more than half of the dead and wounded were powerless to return to the sky? If it's already under control, why are they still fleeing?!

"You, you did it on purpose?!"

Su Hang's tired but excited voice came from the headset, and he was saying, "We have wiped out all the humanoids. The other meaning of this statement is that they won.

Chen Tianyu lowered his head like a defeated rooster. Now, what is there to fight for? Thinking back to all the deployments I've made before, it now seems like a joke. Collusion with outsiders for the sake of momentary profit and drugs/products... What now? Nothing.

"We'll take you back, and you'll need to explain everything to the northern base." Shen Chen accosted. Then he ignored the man who had listened to him and looked up.

"Xu Hui, you and Liang Tian, what should we do?" Mu Chao wanted to recruit these two people into the northwest base.

Xu Hui looked up at Liang Tian, and the two glanced at each other. At the same time, he shook his head: "The southwest base needs people now."

"I can't get anything there, so I might as well make a lot of money here."

They all spoke in unison, but Xu Hui said all the thoughts in Liang Tian's heart.

"Wait! We're going to go with you! Take us with you! A shrill voice sounded. Only then did everyone remember that there were four members of the Liu family next to them.

"Tsk, Mrs. Xie, do you know a word?" Mu Chao's peach blossom eyes were raised, and the infinite style made the unreasonable person on the opposite side stunned.

"It's love to help you, it's your duty not to help you." His eyes turned cold. It made everyone who looked at him shudder.

Shen Mu and the others turned around and left, leaving everyone with a cool and cool back.

But after a while, someone came to accept Chen Tianyu in Liang Tian's hands. Xu Hui looked at Chen Tianyu and still looked at the direction in which Shen Chen and Mu Chao disappeared. Suddenly laughed.

"Daughter-in-law, what are you laughing at?" Liang Tian touched his head and asked.

"Nothing." Laugh at me for being lucky, and glad I ran into you sooner.

The author has something to say: If the change is suddenly broken, it is the author's bacterium that has started school! QAQ

It's desperate... It's going to be dropped again, QAQ

☆、Just friends

The only time that humanity has won the zombie wave!

This is also a rare victory in the world. What's more, when the corpse tide occurred at the southwest base, the country on the other side of the Pacific used nuclear weapons because the corpse tide was not well controlled.

Both the original power of nuclear weapons and nuclear radiation have plunged this once rich country into a state of malaise.

However, everyone knows that the southwest base of Huaguo won the battle, but no more people know how much of a role this southern expeditionary team sent to the southwest base played.

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