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HomeA post-apocalyptic strategy for rebirthRebirth: Apocalyptic Strategy_Chapter 93

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Rebirth: Apocalyptic Strategy_Chapter 93

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The foul-smelling mouth of the serpent was right in front of it, and a sharp tree trunk burst out of the ground, suddenly piercing the serpent's head and piercing the roof of its jaw.

The serpent struggled to move. Huge basin-like eyes flooded with red light. Vicious. But the two people it was watching didn't know it. Still pulling out hard at what made it hurt.


"Take it out!" It was a piece of paper, and behind it was a dense thread of silk that was stretched straight because of the pulling.

Mu Chao immediately waved the Tang knife and cut off those silk threads with one sword.

The serpent struggled violently, not moving.

Mu Chao looked at the paper in his hand, it was a human figure, with red Yamato writing on it, and it was already tattered.

"If the translation comes..."Qiao Yuan touched his chin, and saw that the three of them were staring at him. I don't know Yamato. What do you think I'm doing? "Beaten!

Isn't it as advanced as you say?


"Save... Help me—" came the hoarse old voice.

The four of them looked at the source of the sound.

I saw that the small cage that was originally surrounded by the big snake was no longer there, and the snake's body was paralyzed on the ground, gradually hardening, showing the gray-white color of the stone.

Yamada lies in the middle of a circle of stones. If it weren't for the location, it wouldn't have changed. Anyone who sees him will think it's not Yamada.

The short black hair is now snow-white, the handsome face has become furrowed, and the young body is skinny. His eyes were fixed on the night sky. The chapped lips opened and closed, and at the end there were only two words: "Help me".

"Scales." They looked at Yamada, the scales that had crawled all over his jaw along his neck.

"It's hopeless." Mu Chao widened his eyelids and looked at him, and knocked on his body again. "It's too old. Even if he was saved, he wouldn't survive for a few days.

What a person, suddenly become like this. Everyone was puzzled. Still, the four of them stood up.

"The four of them helped us a lot." Park Yong-joon has come down from the roof at some point. The men and women he had brought with him were no longer at a point in saying anything. The station was destroyed, and they were busier than anyone else. And the Chinese people who followed them halfway were already strange and cold in their eyes. Park Yong-joon knew that the general trend was gone, and sighed secretly but couldn't let them go.

"Since we saved you, there is only one request, I don't know if Mr. Park will agree." Mu Chao's hand had been scorched black by the electric current just now. Shen Chen's hand was no better. Qiao Yuan was bowing his head to treat the two of them. It's a funny sight, but no one can laugh at it.

Park Yongjun felt that he had nothing to give, and immediately said righteously, "Yes."

"Let the people of Huaguo go, as long as they want." The wound on his hand is almost gone, but there is an aura in his body that is rushing indiscriminately. It was a side effect of the space water that he hadn't fully received.


"We're almost out of power, but you seem to want to underestimate our strength?"

"No, no, no..." Park Yongjun had to wave his hand and let those who wanted to leave walk out. As a result, his team was again half and half men

Mu Chao shrugged his shoulders and turned around to leave.

"Why, they are obviously so unkind to you, and they are not patriotic!" Park Yong-joon shouted behind the four.

Mu Chao didn't give him any answer. Get out of this place.


Park Yongjun looked at the mess all over the place, kicked Yamada, who was lying on the ground and didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and walked in angrily. He could already want to beat his brother's anger and Yamato's questioning!

"Captain Park. What about Captain Yamada?

Park Yongjun was upset at this time, and waved his hand: "What should I do?" Throw it out and feed the zombies! He originally had a little sense and brain, but when he remembered the contemptuous gaze of Shen Lu behind Mu Chao just now, he had no reason at all!


Yamada was carrying people with a faint breath, he thought he was entering the room, but who knew that the more he walked, the more remote he became... He seemed to know his fate and struggled in a panic.

But how could Yamada, who had no strength in the first place, be the opponent of the four big men?

"Bang" he was thrown down. The sound of the car leaving was accompanied by the sound of the cold wind whistling in my ears. Yamada's eyes widened in despair. He knew what was going on.

The ground was cold snow. There is a Yamada who breathes and breathes.

Zombies who are struggling to find food gradually surround them. Sharp nails cut through his clothes, and sharp canine teeth in his foul-smelling mouth tore pieces of flesh at him. blood, which soon spread throughout the snow.

Yamada was in pain, looking at the accumulated clouds in the sky.

Isn't it true that the man was like that before he died? No, he hates me even more... Yamada thought. There are so many things that come to mind.

The brother who is taller than him, more handsome than him, and better than him to accept the onmyoji technique... Everyone in the family is praising him... And Yamada himself is a loser who has not achieved enough and has more than enough to lose... The disaster broke out, and his brother used all his magic power to save him, but he pushed the man into the mouth of his parents who had become zombies...

His only Shikigami was also left by his brother, so he was unwilling to accept him completely.

His magic was also taught to him by his brother, because he was useless, and no one in the family wanted to teach him anything.

"Xiaoshan, the big snake will be yours in the future." The man smiled softly.

He saw his brother's little face, and saw his embarrassment hiding in the corner...

Indeed, as Mu Chao said, Yamada is a layman. But he is the only person in his family who can use magic and shikigami now.

Brother...... I'm going to you, and I'm going to confess my mistake to you.

The body is getting cold... Yamada's torn and unseemly body finally stiffened. The zombies saw that the food was no longer alive. Slowly left. All that remains is a mutilated skeleton without a soul.


Mu surpassed the garrison of the Koreans, and his body could no longer withstand the blow of the aura rushing at will, and fell into a coma.

Shen Chen caught his falling body. There was still some distance from where they lived, and with Mu Chao behind them, the three of them walked slowly on the snowy ground.

The exhaustion after the Great War suddenly came to mind. Shen Lu sighed as he walked. I finally returned to the station. With a leap of what little strength remained, the four of them quietly returned to their quarters.

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