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HomeA post-apocalyptic strategy for rebirthRebirth: The End of the World_Chapter 75

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Rebirth: The End of the World_Chapter 75

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Mu Chao frowned and gave Su Yuan the inseparable. This person has no room for people, not even a child.

"I'll go with you." They still have business to do here. dragged Shen Chen and branded a kiss on his lips. "Wait for me."

A trace of resentment flashed in the captain's eyes, and he still suppressed his hatred. It's this man that I want, and if something goes bad... Remembering the means of the One. I couldn't help but shudder.

"Please." Nothing to be angry about. Take Mu Chao and go out.

Shen Chen squinted. His little wood is really...

When did Mu Chao say that he wanted him to wait? Knowing this kind of thing, the more he made him wait, the more he was worried.

Without 100% certainty, Mu Chao will not be reckless, two people are better than one person. And saying things like don't worry is what makes Shen Chen really feel at ease.

Not for anything else, just because they know each other well and trust each other.


Mu Chao followed the team. People passing by cast pity on him, and it must not have been the first time he had seen it. He was curious, obviously it was his first time coming...

Wait, the southwest base. He remembered a few people. Only met twice, but because of his previous life, he hated the person to the bone.

"Miss, someone brought it."

A villa. White. The flower beds outside are covered with white roses. Although the flowers are beautiful, Mu Chao can see that these are mutated roses. So much, the toxins add up to poison a pack of jackals. It's still mutated.

Sure enough, it was her.

"Go down." The door opened slowly.

Mu Chao's eyes were sharp, and he saw that the thing that opened the door was a green flower vine.

Without hesitation, Mu Chao walked in. He knew who the man was, but he didn't know why he had found him. He had a guess in his mind, but he didn't know if it was right or not.

The "bang" door was closed behind him.

"Brother Mu..." sat a woman in a white dress on the sofa. A flower vine is wrapped around his hand. Seeing him come in, the woman stood up excitedly.

Sure enough, Lin Qiqi. Mu Chao's face was expressionless. looked at Lin Qiqi with tears in her eyes.

"I miss you so much, I miss you so much." Lin Qiqi suddenly rushed up and wanted to hug Mu Chao. Who knew that Mu Chao took a wrong step and flashed this unknown hug.

"I don't think we know each other very well, do we?" Mu Chao spoke. He had only met Lin Qiqi twice.

Lin Qiqi gritted her teeth. Turning to face Mu Chao, his delicate face was flushed, which made people feel pity when they looked at it. "I, I like you. I haven't forgotten you since you saved me! "She's talking about the Tree Man.

Lin Qiqi played well in the abacus. She dreamed that the beautiful man liked her and was willing to go to the trouble for her. I wanted to use this to make Mu Chao fall in love with him again.

But she can't count that Mu Chao has been reborn, and now the standard is bent. He also remembered how Lin Qiqi treated him. If Lin Qiqi was like this in the previous life, he would probably die of happiness. But now... Hehe.

"I don't think we know each other, do we? Miss Lin. Mu Chao walked to the door. Squinted at Lin Qiqi.

"You don't believe me?" Her eyes widened in disbelief, it wasn't the same as the script. Shouldn't it be Mu Chao who smiled and said to her, "I like you too", and then the two of them went to Yunyu together?

"I remember, there was a man next to you." He was referring to Zhang Jing. Zhang Jing can't be seen now.

Lin Qiqi's eyes flashed with joy, thinking that Mu Chao was scrupling about Zhang Jing.

This kind of person who has been spoiled for a lifetime and has been praised and killed for a lifetime, even if he suddenly becomes smarter, his inexplicable sense of superiority will not disappear. Just like Kiki Lin. She also thinks that no man can resist her charm.

Naturally, there is a reason.

Lin Qiqi accidentally discovered that her ability could actually summon a tiny plant, which looked useless, only a few small white flowers. But it is these white flowers that give Lin Qiqi her current status. made Father Lin value her more.

is the plant in her hand, which can directly enhance her charm, a bit like Mu Chao's "beauty trick" (that is the trick), making men worship under her pomegranate skirt! Of course, it has also gone through a lot of experiments. She believed in her abilities even more.

But she knew that Mu Chao knew better. There are no Tier 5 or higher abilities in the base now. Although that lure/bewitching vine is a good thing, it can only confuse people who are half a rank higher than its master. Mu Chao concealed the fact that his rank was just for the sake of doing things better in the future, and he never thought that it would come in handy at this time.

The author has something to say: Note: Hide Copy 2 [Changes in Lin Qiqi]

The boss Lin Qiqi has entered the player's attack range

Items will not be dropped

☆, white flowers

The white-flowered vine has a fragrance that is invisible to the naked eye. This aroma is the capital that Lin Qiqi has always relied on.

It's a pity that the white flower vine is intentional, and Mu Chao is ruthless.

Eyeballs rolled. Mu Chao smiled lightly.

"Brother Mu?" Lin Qiqi leaned on him, like a snake. Big eyes blinked innocently. Rao is that when she saw Mu Chao's smile, her heart couldn't help beating.

Hehe, compare with Lao Tzu? You're far behind! ╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮

"Miss Lin, I've just come here, and I... Can you make me think again? Mu Chao's voice trembled slightly. The hand reached for Lin Qiqi's back, touched it lightly and retracted it violently. It's like I can't help but suddenly realize that I'm wrong.

Lin Qiqi's eyes flashed. "Brother Mu, it's okay, I'll wait for you!" She reluctantly wanted to imprint a lip print on Mu Chao's face. Who knew that Mu Chao suddenly retreated, causing Lin Qiqi to almost fall to the ground with an unstable center of gravity.

Standing up in embarrassment, he thought that Mu Chao was deliberate, but when he looked up, he saw Mu Chao's flushed face. Isn't it intentional?

"I... I can't! Mu Chao bit his lip and avoided Lin Qiqi's embrace in embarrassment. Let's play! Tuoma's relatives don't know where to watch! Xiao Hang's perverted vision retold Shen Chen's big vinegar jar, it is estimated that it will be a home base tonight! He doesn't want to be so early with chrysanthemums/flower remnants!


After retelling what he saw, Shen Chen's face was expressionless, and everyone couldn't guess what he was thinking. Only Shen Chen himself knew, and sighed in his heart, that woman was really not angry. If you kiss it, you'll have a chance to hit a home run tonight...

Zhifu Mozhov!

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