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HomeA post-apocalyptic strategy for rebirthRebirth: Apocalyptic Strategy_Chapter 7

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Rebirth: Apocalyptic Strategy_Chapter 7

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They are relatively stable along the way, Suzhou and Hangzhou always pick the road with few zombies, and the doomsday broke out in less than a week, and there are few survivors on the road. After all, they chose a path that most people wouldn't take.

Each time you kill a zombie, get out of the car to pick up the crystals, and then absorb energy in the car until it is saturated. Even with this consumption, the crystals in the hands of the four people were accumulating more and more, and Mu Chao had no choice but to take out half of it and throw it into the pool of space, and then the spatial white mist seemed to have shown signs of retreating since he threw the crystals into it, revealing a new place every day.

For Mu Chao's spatial ability, the sister and brother's ability to accept it is very strong, and Brother Mu and Brother Shen are really relieved and worry-free.


"Brother Mu, there is someone in front." Su Hang's little face was tense, Mu Chao looked so entangled, what about the soft and cute little Zhengtai who was very shy? ! Why is it becoming more and more like Shen Chen?

"How many are there?"

"Well, I can't hear clearly, about twenty, it's just in front, it's more dangerous if you want to take a detour." Su Hang pointed ahead, "But... The people weren't very friendly, and I heard women crying and some scolding her.

Mu Chao shrugged, normal. Women are a representative of weakness in both the last days and the original world, but sometimes this judgment will win a great opportunity for women. "Let's go over there, everyone's zombies are almost the same today~ The crystals are enough for us." In fact, Mu Chao's original intention was to make the two children popular, and he had only followed them and never seen people's hearts, which was fatal in the last days. And his children are more receptive, and they don't worry about being crooked at all (in fact, it's not very positive now).

Mu Chao's car is very eye-catching, and at a glance, you can tell that he is a prepared person. At this time, the team of more than 20 people looked at the heavily armed car with envious eyes, and then looked at their own patchwork car... It's so powerless...

"Hey, buddy, why don't you go?" Mu Chao uses the Sunshine Face skill, which has a buff that continuously loses blood and OT.

In the last days, few people are in the mood to pry themselves like Mu Chao. So it was natural to be a little surprised to see such a white man. "We're going to P City, is it a road, little brother?" A seemingly honest fat man said. "We're all in a team of several survivors, little brother, I see you still have two children, it's not easy to take two big men, right? Come with us. The fat man smiled heartily.

Mu Chao hesitated, turned his head to look at Shen Chen, and saw that he nodded, so he agreed. This group of people was also relieved to see that they agreed, just this car, the four clean people in this car, they knew that these four people were extraordinary, and they were not a drag anyway. Thinking of this, some people looked at an SUV with resentful eyes. Some people are just burdensome, and they are pretentious. Hum.


It was getting late, and everyone discussed that since there were a lot of people, they would spend the night outside, and each team would have one person to keep vigil, Mu Chao's team was small, and there were two children, so they didn't need to keep vigil in the second half of the night. After the problem is solved, everyone solves the dinner problem on the spot.

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