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HomeA post-apocalyptic strategy for rebirthRebirth: Apocalyptic Strategy_Chapter 8

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Rebirth: Apocalyptic Strategy_Chapter 8

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☆, Alien Beasts

It's been quiet along the way, and I haven't even encountered many zombies. The calm makes people suspicious.

Mu Chao held the steering wheel and followed the convoy, he always felt that he had forgotten something, looked around, and found nothing that could be done. Looking back at Su Hang again, Xiao Su Hang's little face was tense, and he didn't feel quite right.

The convoy drove slowly, and there seemed to be no danger, and just when everyone thought that they were too nervous, Su Hang suddenly screamed: "It's here!" Brother Mu! Here they are! From every direction! Better! Su Hang couldn't stop screaming, and Su Yuan held her younger brother in her arms in distress. Mu Chao and Shen Chen looked back and forth, with serious faces. Su Hang's ability has reached the edge of the first order, and will soon be advanced. After screaming, he fainted. Mu Chao reached out and touched his forehead, it was hot. It's time to advance.

"Xiaoyuan, you will be in the car for a while, protect Xiaohang. Don't go anywhere. "Shen Chen's face is like sinking water." It doesn't seem to be a zombie.

Mu Chao took out a dog-legged knife. His ability was a bit of a frustration in the early stages, and he didn't want to expose it. So it's better to carry a knife, simple and practical. Shen Chen used a machete. These two bladed knives have absolute damage value.

"What's wrong, Brother Mu?" When the fat man saw that their car had stopped, and the car behind him had stopped, he ran out of the car and asked.

"Don't you think it's too quiet?" Mu Chao picked up the roof of the car with both hands, and turned over on the roof of the car like his Shen Chen. Pull the knife out from behind your waist. As soon as the fat man wanted to ask something, he heard a woman's exclamation in his car.

"Fat brother, fat brother! There are animals! Lots of animals!

"Damn, what are animals afraid of?" he suddenly remembered something, and immediately roared, "All ready to fight!" Then the fat man turned into a big brown bear two feet tall and roared at the calm woods.

A change has begun! A bird with a sharp beak swoops down at the fat man. The closest to the fat man was Mu Chao, who was standing on the roof of the car and Shen Chen back to back. The moment the bird approached the fat man, Mu Chao brandished the dog-legged knife and slashed at the big bird's slender neck! Bird blood splashed, and Mu Chao was inevitably splashed with blood. The people in the car who had the ability to resist got out of the car. A woman was staring intently at the tree in front of her, and a giant python opened its bloody mouth at her feet, and the woman was swallowed into the belly of the snake before she could scream.

Out of the woods came a tiger, three wild boars, and a mutated snake five or six meters long and the size of a bucket. Mutated birds in the sky are flying and circling, waiting for their time.

Mu Chao's expression slowed slightly, and he still looked at the animal in front of him nervously. This is a much smaller lineup than he had seen in his previous life, but with these people... There are only nineteen of the twenty people left, and excluding the people who can't fight, these people are far from enough to deal with a few strange beasts, not to mention that some people have already had the idea of retreating.

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