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HomeA post-apocalyptic strategy for rebirthRebirth: Apocalyptic Strategy_Chapter 52

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Rebirth: Apocalyptic Strategy_Chapter 52

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"This won't work!" Mu Chao, who was besieged by more puppets, dodged out of the encirclement, which was his ability teleportation after the fifth order, and he could teleport to the places in his current field of vision.

After killing the third puppet, Shen Chen took Mu Chao and rushed to the innermost. The rest of the people also have the same idea, capture the thief and capture the king first!

That familiar face appeared in front of Mu Chao again. seemed to be sure that he couldn't bear to do it, so he became more and more reckless. Even if he is kicked over and over again, he will come to harass Mu Chao.

"Shh Mu Chao has a good impression of this child, and he can't bear to do it, just like those people said, they are actually still alive. At least for now.

A purple bolt of lightning fell on the puppeteer's head, and the thunder snake climbed up the branch, and the whole branch did not move.

"We're getting closer!" Su Hang took the machete and accurately slashed at the branches connected by those puppets. Sawdust flew, and his little face was scratched several times.

Walk through this dimly lit area. And they saw the end of the passage.

Overhead is a thin layer of leaves, and the sun shines through the leaves to dappled light marks. All the branches are concentrated in one point. The golems were afraid to cross the line between light and shadow.

"Was it him?" The old voice came from the center of the branch, and everyone saw that in that place there was an old man with his back on his back. He was covered with criss-crossed branches, and it seemed as if his whole being was part of these trees.

"Babble~" clapped his hands happily. It's like knowing the tree man.

The tree man slowly raised his head, his face was the wriggling branches of the aspen, but he seemed to be able to see it: "It's all grown so big, remember me."

Genes are an amazing thing. No one knows why they entered this passage, why they would be friendly to a stranger who wasn't even a human being.

"Who are you?" Mu Chao hugged tightly and looked at the tree man nervously. This man has no mouth, but he can speak, and all of them can hear his vicissitudes.

The Treant seemed to find it interesting and smiled. "I am these trees, and these trees are me."

"Why don't you leave here?" Shen Chen stood in front of his lover and children, his whole body muscles tense, like a male lion alerting the enemy.

The branches on the treeman's face paused for a moment. "Kill me."

The people wondered why they had attacked them if they had killed him. Contradicting himself, is there some conspiracy.

"I'm getting older, the poplar gene in my body has mutated, it has its own consciousness, and my control has weakened as I get older." As if in response to his words. The puppeteer rushed forward, but was hit by the sunlight, let out a real scream, and turned to ashes in front of his eyes.

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