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HomeA post-apocalyptic strategy for rebirthRebirth: Apocalyptic Strategy_Chapter 109

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Rebirth: Apocalyptic Strategy_Chapter 109

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Without the slightest hesitation, he took a few steps forward and hugged the slender young man who was nearly a head shorter than him.

"You also said that I like someone, isn't this me following him?"

Jiang Xie lowered his head and didn't say anything. If Jian Cheng had walked a little slower just now, hesitated a little more, or didn't follow him out at all... He didn't know what he would do. Maybe it's disappointment? Maybe it's desperation.

"I don't know what you think. But I want you to know that I have your back. Jian Cheng let go of Jiang Xie and grabbed one of his hanging hands. Walk slowly.

Jiang Xie was dragged a few steps. Then take a few brisk steps to keep up with the other person's pace.


"How?" Shen Chen brushed away the hair that covered Mu Chao's eyes in front of his forehead.

Mu Chao smiled and said, "It's not much." Oops, my hair has grown. "I don't know when, his hair can cover his eyes." I'll call Qin Mian to cut it.

The shoulder is pressed down slightly harder. Mu Chao was slightly surprised, so he sat down in the chair with peace of mind. He was then covered with a plastic sheet. The neck was also wrapped in a towel.

There was a large mirror in front of them, big enough to show the two of them.

"Hey, Shen stupid, don't use the master's hairstyle to play with artistic features!" Mu Chao warned.

Shen Chen smiled behind him. didn't say anything, and the watering can in his hand sprayed Mu Xiaoye's head.

The silver-white scissors in his hand shimmered, shuttling between the soft black hair. Where the blade skimmed, black hair fluttered gently. It's very light, just like the owner of the scissors, so light, careful, want to treat some of the treasures of the world.

Mu Chao closed his eyes. He couldn't feel the movement of the scissors, only the occasional sharp sound. It seems that I can't bear to look at my own style.

Knife by knife... The comb and scissors work together, showing the owner's jerky skills. But very seriously.

The afternoon sun shone through the window of the room on the two men.

The wind blows gently, and it is dried little by little from the roots to the ends.

Mu Chao likes it very well when someone plays with his hair, it is very comfortable. So the person behind him naturally knows it. A big hand shuttles back and forth between his hair#Through your brunette my hand#

When he opened his eyes, his hairstyle was ordinary, although there were no bright spots, it was enough to make Mu Chao blush. Because the man behind him was looking at him from the mirror.


Mu Chao smiled suddenly. Stretching out a hand covered by plastic sheeting, he grabbed the collar of the person behind him.

Without much resistance, two people, four-petaled lips, clinging together.

After being entangled for a long time, the two separated out of breath (in fact, it was just Xiao Mu alone).

"That's the money you paid for the haircut?" Shen Chen raised his eyebrows and asked.

Mu Chao looked at him with affection/lust in his eyes, but the corners of his mouth turned up with an evil smile, and the whole person looked lazy, and his heart skipped a few beats. Absolutely will not admit it! Shen belly black looks like this, it's really - damn sexy/sensual! #On the Cool Hanging Skill of Tyrant##How to make facial paralysis very sexy#

"Who said that? Master so cheap? "Something seems wrong?

But how could Master Mu care about this? As soon as the confinement around his neck was untied, he lifted the plastic sheet on his body and threw himself on Shen Chen with a whimper.

Right behind was the bed, and the two of them collapsed on the soft big bed.

"Let me show you today's awesome skills!" Slowly, little by little, he picked up his clothes and took them off, and then, like a slow-motion broadcast, he untied Shen Chen's trouser belt with both hands.

There was a "snap", and the iron-clasped trouser belt was brutally thrown to the ground.

Shen Chen looked at the half/naked man on his body, even if his body had already reacted, he didn't move at all.

The base of the leg was pushed with a hot thing. Master Mu's face turned red. But he complained in his heart: Didn't mom say that if you do this, you will be very hungry and thirsty and quickly pounce on Xiao Shou?

So the fact is that Mu Xiaoye just wants to know #How to make a qualified inducement#, and he doesn't have the idea of counterattacking at all.

But if he knew that Shen Chen was just thinking about what would happen even if he did it for him, would he regret it?

"Hey... Are you no longer good? Thinking of the first time between the two of them, Shen Dada's feat of fighting bravely and skillfully four or five times in a row, Mu Xiaoye immediately understood that he had done too much at that time.

Anything can be suspected, only this matter is a minefield [no] Shen Da immediately turned over.

Mu Chao felt that the world was overturned, and he was already pressed on the bed.


"Well, try it yourself, can't I?" Something was inserted / in the back. Huh? When were my pants taken off?

The back/acupoint and the lower/body were slightly cool, and Master Mu realized that he had been stripped naked.


"Say, who can't do it?" He let out a long breath and leaned down, and the man with his hands over his face and his whole body was pink.

"I... Woo... It's not you—" The small voice whimpered.

Shen Chen listened to the emotion and sprinted again. Then sprinkle his own essence into the places he loves the most.

Both of them screamed softly at the same time.

And then there was a "pop".

Shen Chen took away Mu Chao's hand covering his face. The masculine face was already blurred with tears, and the cheeks were flushed with lust/lust. Look at him with grievances. Shen Dada was immediately disarmed and surrendered by this gaze.

Leaning over and kissing the tears on his lover's face until all the tears were licked away by him one by one.

Originally, I was going to put this small piece of wood for a horse.

Who knew that his neck was suddenly wrapped around a pair of arms. Shen Chen obediently bowed his head to his lover's neck. The voice with a warm breath in his ears was soft but with a spirit of not admitting defeat: "Let's do it again."

"Yes, wife."

Once again, a fierce 'engagement' unfolded.

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