Wittle Christmas

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"Yeah!". Teddy jumps on the couch and giggles. "I wanna climb the tree but me heavy". Lanie pouts. "Once again, Rowsie is the bestest baby". Rowsie runs around with her hello kitty cape on. "But was hitting my daddy with a bat nec... Nessie scary?". Minie asked. "Your daddy doesn't trust me, so... Rowsie has to do what she had to do". Rowsie says.

"She locked Hob Hob in the closet". Lanie said. "Daddy makes a joke like that all the time". Teddy said. "What about?". Minie asked. "About a closet". Teddy replied. "Is it funny?". Rowsie asks. "Daddy isn't funny, so nothing he says is". Teddy said. "We had the bad daddies". Rowsie pouted. "We do". Teddy huffed and turns to Lanie. "Get out of Lanie's face". Lanie said.

"Meanie beanie!". Teddy yells. "I am not!". Lanie yells back. "You won't take Hob Hob from me!". Lanie shouts. "Not even for a day?". Teddy asked and Lanie stares at him. "What if I said pwease?". Teddy says. Lanie crossed his arms and blinks at him. "Pwease?". Teddy gave Lanie puppy eyes and Lanie yawns. "Well... You're rude". Teddy huffed. "Are y'all finished?". Rowsie was tapping her foot on the floor.

"Nothing started". Lanie says. "Good, come with me... Minie has to go potty". Rowsie said. "What's your scale Minie?". Teddy asked. "Sewen". Minie replied. "We have to hurry! If Minie reaches ten, he's gonna have an accie". Lanie says. "Friend line!". Rowsie says and all the littles formed a line. "To the grown up potty!". Rowsie cheered. "Yeah!". Lanie and Teddy cheered as well. "One step, two step, three step... Four".  Rowsie sings.

"Where are we... Going to explore?". The boys sing. "Are we... Going to the store?". Rowsie sings. "No we're not, let's sing some more!". The boys sings. They sung their school's bathroom song all the way to the bathroom and they waited for Minie to come out of it. "Minie's finished!". Minie cheers and all the littles clapped for him. "Tank you, tank you!". Minie bows. "Minie made it just in time". Minie smiles.

"I knew you could do it!". Rowsie hugged Minie. "My bestie is the bestest". Rowsie giggled. "Minie is...". "Stop, don't continue, Rowsie will hurt your feelings". Rowsie cuts Teddy off. "Fine!". Teddy stomped his feet. "Lanie, you're...". "Nah uh, Lanie has Rennie". Lanie said and Teddy's eyes starts watering. "Ted-Teddy doesn't have a special friend". Teddy sniffs. "Teddy... You're Minie's boy bestie". Minie said.

"I knew that, I just wanted to hear you say it". Teddy laughs. "That was mean". Lanie said. "Meh". Teddy giggled. "We can play now!". Rowsie jumps up and down. "Tag! Tag!". Lanie says. "Freeze tag!". Teddy said. "No, artist". Minie says, holding a basket of things. "We can be artist in here?". Lanie asked. "Yeah! Daddy let's me do what I want". Minie dumps everything on the floor. "I want purplie". Teddy grabs the purple paint.

"I got white and blue!". Lanie says. "I got black and gray". Rowsie says. "So colorless". Teddy pouts. "Ha! My daddy said black isn't a color, it's a shade". Rowsie said. "Shades are glasses, your daddy is dumb". Lanie said. "Rowsie knows that!". Rowsie yells. "Let's paint! We going be on our bestie beehaher". Minie says and the littles agreed. They lied... It's was all a lie. Paint was everywhere.

They got bored of painting and started to throw ornaments around cause they thought they would stay in the air like they stay on the tree. They gave up on that and got sprinkles and used that to decorate the paint. Then they got hungry and ate everything Jin gave to Jimin. Then they started to climb on the tree, which they had fun with cause they liked falling on the present pillows under the tree.

"Me sleepy". Lanie rubs his eyes. "Me too". Teddy yawns. "Shouldn't we clean up?". Minie says. "Rowsie ain't do this". Rowsie says, already laying on the floor. "Yeah, we can clean up after our nap like we do in school". Lanie says. "Otay". Minie grabs a present pillow and lays next to Rowsie. "We just gotta wake up before Minie's daddy break out of the closet". Teddy said. "Otay". Lanie says, already half asleep.

"Tired time! It's tired time! Who's tired this time?". Minie sings. "Lanie". Lanie says and was knocked out cold. "Teddy". Teddy yawns and snuggles a blanket and falls asleep. "Rowsie". Rowsie snuggles the pillow and went to sleep. "And captain Minie". Minie rubs his nose and falls asleep. Poor littles...

They weren't ready for the repercussions.

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now