Pest returns and control

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Jimin woke up a hour early so he wouldn't see Hoseok but he was already in the kitchen

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Jimin woke up a hour early so he wouldn't see Hoseok but he was already in the kitchen. "Good morning Jimin". Hoseok smiled. "Mor-morning". Jimin said. "Are you hungry?". Hoseok asked. "No, sorry Hyung". Jimin replied. "Ok, well come on, I'll take you to class". Hoseok said. "Tha-that's ok". Jimin said.

"Come on, I'll take you". Hoseok grabs Jimin's hand and walks out the house.

 Hoseok grabs Jimin's hand and walks out the house

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"Wow". Jimin says and Hoseok chuckled. "Come". Hoseok opens the door for Jimin. "Th-thank you". Jimin slightly blushes and got in. 'Its just a ride, calm your heart down Jimin'. Jimin tells his self. Jimin's body stiffen when Hoseok puts on his seat belt. "Wh-why di-did you?". Jimin asked.

"I was telling you to but you were in your daydream so I did it for you". Hoseok said. "O-oh". Jimin looked away. "To school you go".

The moment Hoseok stops in front of the school, Jimin tries to quickly get out

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The moment Hoseok stops in front of the school, Jimin tries to quickly get out. "Jimin... the seatbelt". Hoseok laughed. "Ri-right". Jimin said. "You look uncomfortable, is it me?". Hoseok asked and Jimin quickly shook his head. "N-no, I uh I don't want to be late". Jimin replied.

"Understandable". Hoseok says then hands Jimin his phone. "What's this for?". Jimin asked. "Its for your number". Hoseok said. "Just in case you need something or go into little space". Hoseok adds but Jimin was already putting in his number. 'I wonder if what type of date we'll have'. Jimin giggled and hands Hoseok back his phone.

"Thank you". Hoseok said. "Have a good day Jimin". Hoseok smiles and Jimin's heart jumped. "Thank you Hyung". Jimin says and runs out the car.

"I guess they all are in little space"

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"I guess they all are in little space". Jimin says not seeing his friends today. "Well on the bright side, I got a text from Hoseok Hyung". Jimin says feeling bubbly. "Jimin!". Jimin's whole mood dropped hearing Jaebum's voice in the room. "I'm back baby". Jaebum said. "I didn't know you had one". Jimin said.

"God your funny and beautiful". Jaebum said. "Oh god". Jimin rolled his eyes. "What do you want?". Jimin hissed. "You". Jaebum smirked. "Then I'm sorry cause your not getting me". Jimin sassed and Jaebum grabbed Jimin's arm. "Just one date Jimin please". Jaebum said.

"Get off me". Jimin growled. Jaebum didn't say anything cause he was already on the ground with a punch to the face. "Hoseok". Jimin gasped. "Sorry, but I tried to call you and you didn't answer and I got worried". Hoseok said then turns to Jaebum. "Go near him again and I will slash your throat". Hoseok hissed.

'Mmm'. Jimin placed a hand over his heart. "Come on Jimin". Hoseok grabs Jimin's bag and his hand and stomps out.

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"Are you ok?". Hoseok said. "Yeah, thank you". Jimin said. "Good". Hoseok nods. "And if he ever touches you again, tell me and I will have his ass beat up". Hoseok said. "Ok". Jimin giggled. "I'm serious". Hoseok said. "So was I". Jimin grinned. "Your to cute to be evil". Hoseok chuckled. 'HE CALLED ME CUTE!'. Jimin was fanboying on the inside.

Hoseok sees Jimin bouncing in his seat and smiled.


A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now