Dating tradition

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Jimin was in his room getting ready and thinking. He secretly gave Yoongi his number, and Yoongi been texting and calling him nonstop. "Maybe that wa..." Jimin's phone went off again and Jimin groaned. "Its just him". Jimin rolled his eyes and reads the text.

Dick cat chaser
Ready? cause I'm on my way

I've been ready for two weeks 😑

Dick cat chaser
I know, I'm sorry...
I just wanted everything to be perfect

Just come get me

Dick cat chaser
Of course, but first...
What are you wearing?

Jimin puts his phone down and looks in the mirror.

Jimin puts his phone down and looks in the mirror

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"My god I'm beautiful". Jimin said. "You look nice". Jimin looks at his little sister who was sitting on his bed. "When di... Nevermind". Jimin sighed. "And thank you". Jimin smiled. "So... You got a date?". Saya asked. "I do... Why?". Jimin said. "Did you forget about the family tradition?". Saya said. "Tradition?".

Saya shakes her head. "You poor poor soul". Saya said. "Wish the guy luck for me". Saya says and walked out. "What is she talking about?". Jimin thinks and saw Yoongi's car pull up. "He's here!". Jimin grabbed his phone and ran out his room. "I got it!". Jimin yells racing to the door before anyone can open it.

 Jimin yells racing to the door before anyone can open it

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"H-hi". Jimin blushed. "Hello beautiful". Yoongi takes Jimin's hand and kissed it. "I told you to stop doing that". Jimin said. "Never". Yoongi says and kissed Jimin's hand again. "Hate you". Jimin growled. "Sure you do". Yoongi said. "Ready?". Yoongi said. "Rea...". "Well its about time! We've been waiting for a long ass time!".

 "Well its about time! We've been waiting for a long ass time!"

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"Mum... Dad... What are y'all doing?". Jimin asked in a scared voice. "Well Jimin if you REALLY gotta know...". Jin giggles. "We're joining you two on your date". Namjoon said. "I'm sorry?". "Oh... my god". Jimin rubs his face. "Its tradition son, I went throw it and now its your turn". Namjoon said. Jin looks at Yoongi and hissed.

"Stand up straight in front of me". Jin ordered and Yoongi did. "Good". Jin smiled. "Shall we?". Jin looks at Namjoon. "Of course my love". Namjoon escorts Jin out the house. "I didn't fucking sign up for this Jimin, why the fuck didn't you tell me?". Yoongi growled. "I didn't fucking know!". Jimin yelled. "Told you". Saya laughed.

"Have fun with Dylan and Taehyung Princess!". Jin yells from the limo. "Ok! Have fun mum and dad! And Jimin!". Jimin looks at his sister. "Stay miserable!". Saya shouts and Jimin bangs his head on the window. "Driver!". Jin says. "Yes sir?". Yoongi's limo driver said.

"To wherever Yoongi was taking my son!".

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now