Play date

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Minie was in his room trying his best to do his hair when he heard the bell ring

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Minie was in his room trying his best to do his hair when he heard the bell ring. "TEDDY'S HERE!". Minie screams, grabs munchy and runs out his room just to bump into his dad. "You can't answer the door Minie". Namjoon scolded. "Sawwy dada". Minie says.

Namjoon smiled and picked up the little. "Don't worry Minie, I just want to meet your new friend". Namjoon says and walks down the stairs holding the excited little. Namjoon puts Minie down to open door and when he did, something ran past him in a hurry.

 Namjoon puts Minie down to open door and when he did, something ran past him in a hurry

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"MINIE!!!". Teddy gave his fellow little a tight hug. "Hi Teddy!". Minie giggled. "Teddy... You can't run into someone's house like that". Jungkook sighs but the little paid him no mind. "Minie! I brought my friend with me!". Teddy swings on his feet hiding something behind his back.

"Is it tookies?". Minie asked. "Kookie is right there". Teddy points to Jungkook. "Teddy... Your supposed to greet yourself remember". Jungkook said. "Oh right". Teddy went up to Namjoon. "Hihi! I'm Teddy! Minie's newest friendie!". Teddy smiled. "Hi Teddy, I'm Namjoon, Minie's father". Namjoon said.

"Dimpies". Teddy says poking Namjoon's dimples. "Oh god". Jungkook covers his face embarrassed and Namjoon chuckled. "Its fine... Jungkook right?". Namjoon said and Jungkook froze. "Uh... Yes". Jungkook replied starstruck. "My husband told me your name". Namjoon said and all Jungkook did was nod.

"Boring!". Teddy huffed. "Teddy". Jungkook hissed. "Anyway, look at my friend Minie". Teddy smiles and revealed what he was hiding.

 Teddy smiles and revealed what he was hiding

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"This is Mr. Rawh". Teddy said. "Chu!". Minie said. "Oh!". Minie looks down in his arms.

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"This is munchy!". Minie said. "Hi munchy". Teddy pokes the big ears. "Dada, can we go play?". Minie asked. "Ok bud, just don't be to loud". Namjoon said. "Otay!". Minie takes Teddy's hand. "Come Teddy, to the play room!".

 "Come Teddy, to the play room!"

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"Woah!". Teddy looks around excited. "This your play room!?!". Teddy asked and Minie giggled. "Well one of them". Minie answered. "Lucky". Teddy pouted. "Don't pout Teddy, you can always play here". Minie hugs him. "Thanks Minie". Teddy said. "Now let's play!".

"Officer Minie, munchy is being held for being too chu, is he innocie or bad?". Teddy asked. "Bad! Because he's adowable!". Minie said. "That's four minutes in cupcake timeout". Teddy placed munchy on a chair that looked like a cupcake. "And Mr. Rawh gets a cupcake for being chu". Minie gives the tiger a fake cupcake.

"Teddy?". The littles turned to Namjoon. "Yes?". Teddy tilts his head. "Sorry bud but Jungkook had to leave so you have to spend the night with us". Namjoon was prepared to have the little yell but he didn't. "A sleep in!". Teddy cheers. "Oh thank god". Namjoon says relieved.

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The littles ate, took a bath and now were in Jimin's room. "Why can't I sleep in my room dada?". Minie asked. "There's no room for Teddy in there bud". Namjoon says tucking him in. "Oh right". Minie said. "I like this bed". Teddy chuckled. "Tank you". Minie grinned. "Cute". Namjoon puts Minie's pacifier in his mouth.

Teddy pouted seeing Minie with his paci. "Don't worry, I have yours". Namjoon says handing Teddy his pacifier. Teddy quickly puts his paci in his mouth and goes to sleep. "That was quick". Namjoon snickered and kissed Minie on his head. "Night Dada". Minie says closing his eyes.

"Night Minie".

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now