Counselor Minie

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"Yooie! That doesn't go there! Pay atention". Minie puffs. "Sorry bud". Yoongi says weakly. "What's da matter?". Minie asked. "Its nothing Minie, don't worry about it". Yoongi said. "No". Minie stomps his feet and and made Yoongi sit on the floor.

Minie goes to his toy box and grabs his glasses, a white shirt and old newspapers.

(Minie's and Jimin's hair is still pink)

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(Minie's and Jimin's hair is still pink)

"What are you wearing?". Yoongi asked. "I'm going to be your...". Minie thinks. "Aw man... I practie this word". Minie taps his head. "Caroler! I knew I remember". Minie says. "I think you mean counselor". Yoongi corrects. "I said that". Minie said. "Anyway". Minie sits in front of Yoongi and looks at him. "Tell Minie what's wrong".

Yoongi took a deep breath before talking. "Remember when I said sorry to you for acting like a jerk?". Yoongi says and Minie nods. "Well... I tried to say sorry to bigger you but Jimin didn't want anything to do with me". Yoongi sadly says. "Bigger Minie will be more angry cause he knows more then Minie, so I know he's mad".

Yoongi looks at Minie. "Hmm...". Minie closes his eyes to think. "I know!". Minie jumps up and goes to get his crayons and color paper. "I will write to bigger me and tell him to listen to daddy". Minie says and Yoongi choked on air. "What?". Yoongi said and the little looks at him. "Your Minie's daddy now, I claim you". Minie giggles.

"Uh...". Yoongi was reaching out his phone but remembers something he read when looking up littles. "You mean like a caregiver?". Yoongi asked but Minie shook his head. "Bigger me has to ask you for that but Minie will call you daddy". Minie says and continues to write. "Here, you have to write too". Minie hands Yoongi a white paper and a yellow crayon.

"Why yellow?". Yoongi asked. "Its a pwetty color and its peaceful to Minie". Minie replies not looking at him. "So why aren't you using it?". Yoongi asked. "Yooie needs it more cause you need to make peace with bigger Minie". Minie said. Yoongi looks at the crayon and grins. "Ok".

"This is bigger Minie's room"

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"This is bigger Minie's room". Minie said and Yoongi immediately got uncomfortable. "I can't be in here Minie". Yoongi tries shake off Minie's hands but the little was stronger then he looks. "Shut up". Minie hissed. "Now hang them up". Minie hands Yoongi some tape. "Why can't you do it?". Yoongi asked.

"Tape is sticky and mama doesn't like me being sticky". Minie said. "Ok...". Yoongi raised his brow and started to hang up the notes all around Jimin's room. "All done!". Minie claps. "That was a lot of work". Minie says and Yoongi looks at him. "You did nothing". Yoongi hissed. "Minie wrote more then you!". Minie yells pointing to Yoongi one lonely paper.

"I wrote tons while you only used one piece of paper, you bum". Minie said and Yoongi turns to him shocked. "What did you call me?". Yoongi said. "A bum?". Minie tilts his head. "Mama says that to people he works with". Minie said. "How are your parents a bad influence on you?". Yoongi shook his head. "Infl...". "MINIE!!!".

Yoongi turns to the door hearing a unfamiliar voice and looks at Minie who was smiling widely. "MAMA!!!". Minie ran out the room leaving a very scared Yoongi.


A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now