Little training

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"Yay!". All the little shouted and ran off to play. "Teddy! Make sure I can see you!". Jungkook yelled. "You own this whole damn building?". Shownu asked Giu. "Of course I do". Giu said. "Rennie wanted it, so I got it... What was I gonna to do? Say no?". Giu huffed. "So... He's spoiled?". Yoongi said.

"He's a good spoil". Giu smiled and saw Rennie climbing on a table. "Rennie down!". Giu yells. "K daddy!". Rennie says getting down. "Amazing... I wish Rowsie will listen like that". Shownu sighs looking at Rowsie who had a juice box in her hand. "Rowsie no, you didn't wash your hands". Shownu said and Rowsie looked at him.

Rowsie takes the straw from the side of the box and Shownu glared. "Don't you dare...". Shownu hissed and Rowsie opened the juice and starts drinking it. "All the damn time". Shownu puts his head down. "Your new to the little stage I see". Giu chuckled. "Sadly". Shownu pouted. "You don't have any punishments for her?". Hoseok asked.

"Punishments?". Shownu tilts his head. "Time outs, no snacks, taking her favorite doll away". Hoseok said. "Hell no, I ain't going no where near that shit". Shownu shuddered. "She has a fucking voodoo doll... Shit almost gave me a heartattack when she showed me it". Shownu rubs his arms. "Really? It can't be that bad". Yoongi chuckled and Shownu took out his phone.

 Yoongi chuckled and Shownu took out his phone

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"Oh good god!". Yoongi jumped and on impulse, Jungkook punched Shownu's phone out his hand. "The fuck is wrong with you!?!". Shownu shouted. "I-I got scared". Jungkook replied. "Idiots". Hoseok said. "Just watch what I do". Hoseok looked at Shownu then walked up to Rowsie who was getting another juice box. "No". Hoseok took it from her.

"Hey! That's Rowsie's!". Rowsie puffed out her cheeks. "You didn't wash your hands, so no juice for you". Hoseok told her. "I want juicey!". Rowsie stomps her feet. "What about Minie?". Hoseok asked. "Minie?". Rowsie tilts her head. "You can't be around Minie with germs on your hands, he might get sick". Hoseok said. "Minie will get sick?". Rowsie looked at her hands.

"That's right, there are a lot of germs out there that can make Minie and you sick if you don't wash your hands". Hoseok said. "Rowsie don't want bestie to get germies". Rowsie pouts and ran to Shownu. "Daddy! Rowsie has to wash hands!". Rowsie dragged Shownu to the bathroom. "Impressive". Giu nodded. "Thank you". Hoseok said.

"Do that to Teddy!". Jungkook shakes Hoseok. "G-get off me!". Hoseok yelled. "Please! I need help! He REALLY doesn't listen to me!". Jungkook begs. "Alright! Just stop". Hoseok pushed Jungkook away from him and went to Teddy. "Teddy?". Hoseok called out. "What?". Teddy hissed playing with blocks. Hoseok looked at Teddy then at Jungkook.

"Ok...". Hoseok went to Jungkook and pointed at Teddy. "The hell?". Hoseok blinked. "He doesn't like people... Or sharing... Or me hanging out with other littles, or baths, or cleaning up after his self". Jungkook said. "Hmm... I couldn't deal with it". Giu shook his head. "I know what to do". Hoseok snickered.

"Jungkook, I need you sit and completely ignore Teddy". Hoseok said. "Out of the question". Jungkook replied. "He's trying to help you boy". Yoongi growled. "Chill... I got it". Jungkook smiled scared. "Good". Hoseok grinned walking back to Teddy. "Hello again Teddy". Hoseok smiled. "Go... Away". Teddy scoffed. "I just wanted to see if you were ok".

"Your not daddy, go to Lanie". Teddy said. "But he's busy... See". Hoseok points to Lanie who was playing in the ball pit. "Teddy doesn't care". Teddy said. "Oh, I thought you were a good little... That's to bad". Hoseok shrugs and went to leave but Teddy grabbed him. "Teddy is a good wittle!". Teddy said. "That's not what I heard". Hoseok said.

"Teddy is good!". Teddy pouted. "That's good cause their a place where bad littles go". Hoseok said. "Really?". Teddy said and Hoseok nodded. "Yup, bad littles go somewhere far away and they don't see their daddies or mommies anymore, but its only for little who don't listen... You listen right to Jungkook right?". Hoseok asked.

"Teddy doesn't have to listen, I'm a big boy". Teddy puffed out his chest and Hoseok shook his head. "Daddies and mommies want to help their littles, you might be a ba...". "No!". Teddy covered his ears. "Teddy's good! Watch!". Teddy ran over to Jungkook. "Daddy, I'm good right?". Teddy asked, but Jungkook ignored him.

"Daddy?". Teddy poked Jungkook's cheek, but was still ignored. Teddy pouted and ran back to Hoseok. "Teddy isn't good". Teddy rubs his eyes trying not to cry. "All you have to do is ALWAYS listen to Jungkook, ok?". Hoseok said. "Ok". Teddy said. "Come". Hoseok grabbed Teddy's hand and walked him to Jungkook. "Daddy! Teddy is the bestest wittle in whole world!".

"Ma baby!". Jungkook started swinging Teddy around. "Daddy! Put me down!". Teddy says giggling. "Nice Hobi... Now how bout you help me". Yoongi said. "With?". Hoseok asked without looking at him. "I don't know... Him!". Yoongi yells and Hoseok turns around and sees Lanie kicking Yoongi in his leg.

"No Lanie! Bad!". Hoseok pulled Lanie away from Yoongi. "Why were you kicking him baby?". Hoseok asked. "Lanie doesn't like him". Lanie said. "Its still not nice to kick people, what did I tell you about your feet?". Hoseok said. "Their for walking". Lanie replied. "And why?". Hoseok said. "Cause we walk to get icey cream".

"Yes we do... Now say sorry". Hoseok said. "Sawwy Minie's daddy". Lanie said. "Good boy, now go play". Hoseok kissed Lanie on his head, but Lanie didn't move. "What's the matter?". Hoseok asked then Minie pops out of now where.

"We wanna play and seek!".

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now