Little helper

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Jin was in the kitchen impatiently waiting for Jimin. "I fucking want my cookies". Jin huffed. Just when Jin was about to yell Jimin's name, he heard running.

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"Mama!". Minie ran and Jin a hug. "Oh? Minie". Jin said. "I wanna make tookies too!". Minie said. "Ok, you can help me make tookies". Jin smiled. "Yeah!". Minie starts jumping. "Now, which cookies do you want to make?". Jin asked. "Its tookies mama". Minie giggled.

"It is tookies, I'm sorry". Jin laughed. "That's otay". Minie said. "And I wanna make oakmeal raysun tookies!". Minie giggled. "Oatmeal raisin it is". Jin said. "And we need to make enough for Saya and papa ok?". Jin said. "Otay!".


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"I am amazing". Jin grinned. "And thanks for being a cute little helper Minie". Jin kissed the little on his head. "I'm a good helper!". Minie cheered and Jin giggled. "Yes you are and for that you get a tookie". Jin gives Minie a cookie and his sippy cup.

"Thank you mama!". Minie said. "You are the cutest thing in the fucking world!". Jin squealed. "Mama said a bad again". Minie held out his hand and Jin gave him a diamond necklace. "I keep telling you, mama doesn't carry change". Jin said. "Mama is silly". Minie giggled. "Mummy! Your Princess is here!". Saya ran in the kitchen and saw Minie.

"Minie!!!". Saya ran and gave the little a tight hug. "Minie guess what? Daddy bought me a new tea, so let's have a tea party!". Saya jumps. "Otay! And mama made tookies!". Minie said. "I'm totally saying that for now on". Saya says and tugs on Minie's hand. "Come on Minie". Says said. "Tay! Bye mama". Minie says and walks out with Saya.

They both walked in Saga's room and she ran to get her new tea set

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They both walked in Saga's room and she ran to get her new tea set. "Look Minie! Its pink and gold!". Saya shows the little her new tea set. "Its pwetty". Minie said. "Thank you". Saya giggled. "I got hot coco and Mum's co... I mean tookies, let's talk!". Saya said. "Yes!".

"So... You hit  boy cause you lwike him?". Minie asked and Saya nodded. "I know its was mean but...". Saya stops playing in Minie's hair. "I'm shy". Saya says in a low voice. "Aww big sister is shy!". Minie giggled. "That's not funny!". Saya whined then tilts her head. "Your called me big sister? Why?". Saya asked.

"Minie is four and Saya's ten, so your my big sister". Minie said. "I'm a big sister!". Saya sniffs. "Don't worry Minie, you can always count on me!". Saya puffs out her chest. "I know". Minie smiled. "Come on babies, time for bed". Jin walks in saying. "Ok mama". Minie hugs Saya. "Gud night big sister". Minie said.

"H-he called yo...". Jin grabbed his chest. "I can't...". Jin said. "Isn't he cute!?!". Saya squealed and Minie blushed. "Nighty night". The little wobbled out the room embarrassed.


A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now