Father&son day

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Minie woke up hungry so he went to his parents room to ask for some food

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Minie woke up hungry so he went to his parents room to ask for some food. The little was staring at his parents scared cause he didn't want to wake them up. "I wake up Dada". The little decided to call his dad Dada. Minie tapped his dad on the cheek lightly.

"Mmm". Namjoon opened his eyes and saw Minie standing in front of him with tears filling his eyes. "What's the matter bud?". Namjoon asked and Minie rubs his tummy. Namjoon chuckled and slowly got out of bed. "Ok, I got it". Namjoon rubs his eyes and Minie made grabbed hands.

Namjoon picks up the little and went to the elevator. "Want do you want to eat? And mind you... I can't cook". Namjoon said. "Grapes!". Minie said. "And?". Namjoon asked. "Umm...". Minie starts thinking. "Omilet". Minie said. "I'll try bud". Namjoon says and placed Minie in a chair.

While Minie was Namjoon's struggle omelette, Jin came downstairs. "Hi mama!". Minie said. "Hi cu... What in the hell are you eating?". Jin asked. "Omilet!". Minie said. "What are you feeding my baby?". Jin hissed towards Namjoon. "Eggs". Namjoon replied. "That shit ain't food". Jin growled.

"Bye honey, I love you!". Namjoon kissed Jin, grabbed Minie and ran out the house. "JOON!!!".


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"Mama is going to be so mad at you". Minie said. "I know". Namjoon sighs and Minie giggled. "Go play Minie". Namjoon says and Minie ran off. Minie went to the slide. "Careful Minie!". Namjoon shouted. "Otay!". Minie says and careful slide down the slide. "WEEEEE!!!". The little yells going down and starts laughing.

"Again!". Minie ran up the stairs and slide down again. Namjoon laughed when Minie fell on his butt. "Bad slide!". Minie hits it. "I'm telling mama on you!". Minie angrily yelled and wobbled to his dad. "Dada... call mama, I want him to hit the slide". Minie pouted and Namjoon chuckled. "Minie if I call him, he's not going to hit it".

"He isn't?". Minie tilts his head. "No, knowing him... He's going to blow this place up". Namjoon said. "What?". Minie said. "Yeah... He's dramatic". Namjoon sighs. Minie stares at his dad till he saw a pond. "Oh!". The little ran to the pond and see something swimming. When he tried to reach for it, he was pulled back by his dad.

"Wh-what are you doing?". Namjoon asked having a heartattack. "Tarttle". Minie points to the pond. "Min-Minie your wearing designer clothes". Namjoon said. "Are you trying to kill me?". Namjoon asked. "I can't kill Dada, that will make mama sad". Minie said. Namjoon just pats Minie on his head.

"Your adorable". Namjoon said. "How about some ice-cream?". Namjoon asked and the little grinned. "Yes! Ice-cream!!!". Minie dances and Namjoon laughed. "Come on Min". Namjoon takes Minie's hand and walks to the ice cream truck. "Hello!". The man says and the little, being shy, hides behind his dad.

"Aww". The man said. "Minie, its ok". Namjoon said and the little pecks at the man. "Hey bud". The man said. "Hi". Minie says. "What would you like?". He asked. "Vanillie". Minie says stilling hiding his dad. "With sprinkles or with brownie toppings?". He asked. "Brownees!". The little chirped and both the man and Namjoon laughed.

"One vanilla ice cream with brownies coming up and your lucky, that was the last bit of vanilla I have". The man said. "Wait so what's left?". Namjoon asked. "Mint cho...". "Stop". Namjoon pinced his nose. "Dada doesn't like minty". Minie says giggling. "Oh...". The man says. "I'm sorry but I don't have any other flavor". The man said.

"What type of business man are you?". Namjoon groaned. "You know what, its ok... I'll get some sorbet". Namjoon. "Sorebret?". Minie said. "Close enough". Namjoon laughed. They got their sweet treats and sat down to talk. "Dada?". Minie says. "Yes bud?". Namjoon said. "Can I have the tarttle now?".

"No you can't". Namjoon said. "But... You can have a cat". Namjoon says and the little's eyes lit up. "I'm getting a kitty!". Minie claps his hands happily and Namjoon smiled at him. "Your ice cream is melting and your going to be sticky". Namjoon said and Minie pouted.

"Mama doesn't like it when I'm sticky". Minie says and starts saying his ice cream quickly. "Woah, slow down Minie, you can get a tummy ache". Namjoon said. "Oops... Sorry Dada". The little says yawning. "Hmm? Are you sleepy?". Namjoon asked and the little nods while rubbing his eyes.

"How long have we been here?". Namjoon check his phone and saw death and the light. Jin called him 48 times and it was 6pm. "How the hell is it 6pm!?!". Namjoon shouted. "Minie's bedtime". Minie puts his head on his dad's shoulder. "No no, don't go to sleep". Namjoon says panicking but the little was already sleeping.

"Ah shit... Jin is going to kill me".

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now