Sorry note

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"And that's the answer". Jimin says. "Nerd". Saya huffed. "Really?". Jimin raised his brow. "Mad cause I'm smarter then you?". Jimin snickered. "Oh, I know why your mad, I got dad's smartest and you got his destruction". Jimin laughs and Saya pouted. "Mum! Jimin's making fun of me!". Saya shouted.

"Leave your sister alone Jimin". Jin walked in the living room saying. "Yes mum". Jimin sighs. "And Saya... People hate snitches". Jin pats his daughter on her head. "Now hurry up, your dad is waiting for you". Jin kissed her head. "Ok! Bye mummy". Saya hugs Jin and runs but not without knocking over a table breaking the lamp that was on it.

"Oops". Saya said and looks at Jin. "Sorry mum". Saya gave him a weak smile. "You can take it out my allowance". Saya says running out the house. "Why?". Jin said. "Why did he curse my Princess with that bullshit?". Jin groans. "At least we now its genetic". Jimin said. "At least I know I can't do anything about it". Jin hissed.

"I didn't...". "That's basically what you just said". Jin rolled his eyes. "Where's Dylan? At least he understand me". Jin said. "He went out this morning". Jimin replied. "Oh...? I wonder why". Jin touched his chin and remembered something. "That's right!". Jin runs out and returns holding a folder. "What's that?". Jimin asked.

"I found these hanging all around your room". Jin hands Jimin the folder. "Eh?". Jimin tilts his head. "Apparently, Minie made them... It looks like he wanted you you forgive someone". Jin said. "And that's someone wrote one for you as well, its the first one". Jin adds. "And Jimin?". Jimin looks at his mum. "Forgive him... He really is sorry". Jin walked out.

Jimin knew exactly who it was. "You wouldn't want me to if you know what he said about me". Jimin whispered knowing that his mum couldn't hear him. No matter how angry he was, Jimin can never say that mad at someone forever. Jimin closed his eyes to relax a little before he opened the folder and saw the name Yoongi written on the first one.

"Relax and read it Jimin, he isn't in front of you". Jimin tells his self and starts reading the paper.

Umm... Jimin, its Yoongi,
Minie told me to do this... Well more like forced.

Jimin laughed. Minie can be a handful when he doesn't get his way and Jimin know this.

I'm actually glad he did cause I know you wouldn't want to see me.

"That's a understatement, you bag of shit". Jimin growled. "DON'T FUCKING CURSE IN MY HOUSE!". Jimin jumped at his mum's voice. "Sorry!". Jimin yells and went back to reading the note.

I just want to apologize but I'm not good with my words. Writing this alone is making me nervous and its killing me. I did cross the line and I know that my sorry will never be enough for what I said to you but I still want to say it... No, I will show you. So, whenever you want to see me, then please see me at my company and I can show you how sorry I am.

And after I do and you still don't want to see me, I will leave you alone. I just... I'm so sorry Jimin... And umm... I like you.

Jimin dropped the note in shock.

"He what?".

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now