The "new" guy

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Jimin woke up in his room, which he found strange. "I'm pretty sure I was in little space yesterday". Jimin says. Jimin shakes his head and got ready for class.

 Jimin shakes his head and got ready for class

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"I want to change this color SO bad". Jimin said rolling his eyes. He knew he couldn't cause the two times he tried, his hair went back to pink. His little side loves pink so that's why it keeps coming back. "Man... I want gray". Jimin grabs his bag and went downstairs.

Jimin went into the living room and saw his dad sleeping on the couch. "Again?". Jimin sighs. "I wonder what he did this time". Jimin laughed and walked up to his dad and covers him back up. "See you later dad". Jimin pats him on his head and left the house.

The day went by fast and Jimin and Rose was in the dance studio

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The day went by fast and Jimin and Rose was in the dance studio. "Tell me why your here again?". Jimin asked. "I told you... I hate biology". Rose said. "That's why your failing". Jimin laughed and Rose threw her shoe at him. "Fuck you!". Rose yelled. "I'm right though". Jimin smiled.

Rose rolled her eyes and heard music from the other room. "What's that?". Rose asked. "The gym". Jimin replied. "Its so loud". Rose covered her ears. "The door is open that's why but the gym is sound proof so wait till Shownu closes the door". Jimin said and Rose jumped up. "Shownu is in there!?!".

'Mistakes have been made'. Jimin thinks and nods at Rose. "He's a trainer". Jimin said. "Bye". Rose grabs her things and slams the door behind her. "Bitch". Jimin hissed and turns on some music to dance. While Jimin was dancing, he didn't realize he was being watched the whole time till he heard clapping.

Jimin turns off the music and sees someone standing at the door.

(Jb has returned lol)

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(Jb has returned lol)

"Your amazing". The man said. "I'm aware". Jimin says picking up his things not waiting to be bothered. "You must be the Jimin I've been hearing about". Jimin sighs. "I know who I am". Jimin said. "Feisty... They said that about you too". The man laughed walking up to Jimin. "I'm Jaebum, a new student... Its very nice to meet you".

Jimin looks at the guy's hand boredly. "Mmm hmm". Jimin walks out and and Jaebum chased after him. "Wait! Can you at least show me around?". Jaebum asked. "I'm a student, that's not my job". Jimin said. "But...". "Go ask someone else... I'm pretty sure those girls will LOVE to help a desperate man like yourself". Jimin said.

"Ok... You got me". Jaebum says getting closer to Jimin. "I just want to get to know you a little better". Jaebum said. "And I just want to go home and get away from you". Jimin sassed. "But how are you going to do that? We're so close". Jaebum says moving some of Jimin's hair from his face. Jimin just smirked at him. "Like this".

"NO MEANS NO!". Jimin screams. "GET AWAY FROM ME!". Jimin smirked at Jaebum who looks at him in shock. "Hey! Get away from him!". A group of boys ran up to help Jimin. "But I did...". Jaebum was cut off by Jimin who had fake tears in his eyes. "I just wanted to go home but he grabbed me". Jimin sniffed.

"You fucking monster". A boy pushed Jaebum to the ground. "If you ever go near Jimin again, we will kill you". The boys glared at Jaebum. Jimin looks at Jaebum and waves. "Ca-can I go home now?". Jimin asked. "Of course Jimin". A boy smiled. "We'll make sure he doesn't follow you". Another boy said.

"You all are so sweet". Jimin giggled and the boys blushed. "Well see you all tomorrow and thank you for helping me". Jimin blew the boys a kiss and walks out. The boys watched Jimin leave and Jaebum licked his lips seeing Jimin swing his hips.

'He's going to be mines'.

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now