Scary man vs sweet man

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"I want you all to stay with your partners and blow your whistles if your in trouble"

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"I want you all to stay with your partners and blow your whistles if your in trouble". Mrs. Park said. "Otay!". The little said and went to play. "Hey Rowsie, wanna slide with me?". Minie asked. "Yes!". Rowsie says and they held hands and ran to the slide.

"One, two, three!". The littles slide down the slide at the same time but Minie fell on his butt. "Minie! are you ok?". Rowsie asked. "I'm otay, stupid slide". Minie glared at the slide. "Mrs. Park! Minie has a boo boo!". Rowsie ran to get the teacher. "Rowsie!". Minie yells but she didn't come back.

"Aw man". Minie pouted. "Now I have to play with someone else". Minie looks around but didn't see any of his friends. "Huh?". Minie got confused. "Where fwiends go?". Minie asked his self and went to look for them outside of the park. Minie was holding munchy tightly. "Where...". "Lost?". Minie jumps hearing a man behind him.

Minie turns around seeing a very tall man smirking at him. "N-no". Minie said. "Are you sure?". The man got closer and Minie whimpered moving away from him. "Ye-yes me sure". Minie said. "Oh? Your a little.... How cute". The man chuckled. Minie was about to blow his whistle when he saw the man being slammed against a wall.

 Minie was about to blow his whistle when he saw the man being slammed against a wall

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"I'll give your ass three seconds to run before a shove my gun down your throat". Minie watch the big man run and smiles at the other that saved him. "Thank you!". Minie said. "He was a meanie". Minie says and the man glared at him. "Your a little?". The man says and Minie nodded. "Oh... That's disgusting".

Minie looked at him confused. "Disgu...". "It means sickening". The man rolled his eyes. "I just wasted time for nothing". The man huffs and starts walling away. "Wait! I'm lost". Minie says. "And that's not my problem". The man walked off. Minie just stood there scared. The little sat on the ground crying for five minutes. "What's the matter?".

The little looks up when he heard someone.

The little looks up when he heard someone

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Minie didn't say anything to him. "Hey, its ok, I'm here to help alright". The man smiled. "I'm Hoseok, what's your name?". Minie looked away. "Are you lost?". Hoseok asked and the little nodded. "I can help you, do you know your mom's number?". Hoseok asked and the little nods again.

"That's a good thing to know". Hoseok said. "Littles shouldn't be alone". Hoseok said. "You know I'm a liwwle?". Minie said. "Of course I do". Hoseok grinned. "Now, what's your name?". Hoseok asked again. "Minie". The little said. "Nice to meet you Minie". Hoseok helps the little up. "Something tells me you were on a trip with friends right?".

"Minie just wanted to find his fwiends but he couldn't". Minie says in tears. "Don't worry bud, I'll help you". Hoseok said. "Your not a scary man". Minie said. "Scary?". Hoseok tilts his head. "I met a scary man and he said liwwles are sick". Minie said and Hoseok got mad. "People like him are sick, there's nothing wrong with you ok?". Hoseok grinned.

"Really?". Minie said. "Really". Hoseok smiled. "Now, tell me where you were, so I can call her". Hoseok said. "Mama is a boy". Minie corrected. "Oops my mistake". Hoseok said. "I was in a park with water". Minie said. "Your not that far". Hoseok said. "Come on". Hoseok says and Minie randomly grabs his hand. "Minie scared, so I'll hold you hand".

"That's fine by me". Hoseok says and walks Minie back to the park.

 Hoseok says and walks Minie back to the park

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"Hmm... Looks like your class is looking for you". Hoseok says not seeing any other littles in the park. "They scared of mama". Minie said. "Sho-should I be scared too?". Hoseok asked. "Of course!". Minie replied happily. "Oh god". Hoseok shivered. "L-let me call him". Hoseok hands his phone to the little shaking.

"Otay!". Minie takes the phone and types in his mom's number. "Sit here ok?". Hoseok said and the little sat down. The phone didn't even ring that long before someone picked up. "I'm going to kill, murder and destroy your family, where's my baby?". Hoseok puts the phone down on the table and looks at Minie.

"You wanna talk to your mom?". Hoseok asked. "Yes!". Minie snatched the phone happily. "Hi mama!". The little said. "Minie's otay mama, he met a nice man". Minie said. "At the park with water". Minie says tilting his head. "I don't know". Minie says and gives the phone back to Hoseok. "Mama wants to tall to you".

"That's ok". Hoseok said but Minie puts the phone to his ear. "Where is he?". Hoseok gulped. "He's in Jan par... Hello?". Hoseok said. "Mama coming". Minie said. "Please don't let him kill me". Hoseok begged. "You helped me, mama isn't going to hurt you". Minie giggled. "You don't kno....". "MINIE! GET AWAY FROM HIM!".

Minie saw his mom fuming and moves away from Hoseok. "How did he get here so fast!?!". Hoseok yelled. Jin grabbed Minie and glared at Hoseok. "I'm not a bad guy". Hoseok puts his hands up. "Did I say all that?". Jin raised his brow. "Mama, unclie help me". Minie said.

"How did he help you my baby?". Jin asked still glaring at Hoseok. Minie told his mom what happened and Jin looks at him disappointed. "I told you to never wander off by yourself Minie". Jin said. "Me sawwy". Minie played with his fingers. "I'm very disappointed Minie". Jin says and the little looks down. "Now you".

"I'm not a bad guy! I swear to god!". Hoseok bowed. "I'm Kim SeokJin, thank you for helping him". Jin said. "Oh... Uh... Your welcome and I'm Jung Hoseok". Hoseok replied. "Minie, you know you have to get a timeout right?". Jin says. "Yes mama". Minie said still looking down. "Now say goodbye to Mr. Jung".

"Bye bye unclie". Minie says. "Bye Minie". Hoseok said and leaves. "I want unclie to play with me". Minie said and Jin smiled.


(Don't rush me for no CHARACTERS! 😒)

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now