Scary man returns

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Minie was in Hoseok's office coloring. Dylan woke up to a little Jimin and panicked. He used Jimin's phone to call Hoseok and that's how the little ended up here.

"Humseok! Lookie, I drew you!". Minie holds up a drawing of a sun. "I'm a sun?". Hoseok said. "Yup!". Minie said. "Minie needs glassie to see you!". Minie uses his fingers to make glasses and Hoseok laughed. "Cute". Hoseok said. "Humseok, munchy isn't here". Minie pouts. "I'll call Dylan so he can bring him ok?". Hoseok said.

"Otay!". Minie says. "Good, you stay right here while I call him". Hoseok pokes Minie in his stomach and the little giggles. "That tickies". Minie said. "So cute". Hoseok pats Minie on his head and walks out. "I'll draw Humseok as a big squirrie!". The little laughs and starts to color again and the door opens again and the little looks up and freezes.

 The little laughs and starts to color again and the door opens again and the little looks up and freezes

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'Sc-scary man'. Minie shakes violently and the man raises his brow. "Its you again". The man hissed. Minie starts tearing up and runs to the bathroom. "Why did you run?". Minie heard the man ask. 'Scary man'. Minie holds his self. 'Minie wants Humseok'. Minie sniffs. "Hello?". Minie jumps when the man knocks on the door.

'G-go away'. Minie covers his ears. "Yoongi, what are you doing here?". Minie heard Hoseok's voice and ran out the bathroom. "Minie? What's the matter?". Hoseok asked. "Sca-scary man". Minie points to the man. "Scary man?". Hoseok says and his eyes darkened. "Your the guy that called him sickening?". Hoseok growled.

"I...". "Get out". Hoseok hissed. Yoongi looks at Hoseok shocked. "Hos...". "Get out!". Hoseok shouts and Yoongi walks out with his head down. "Minie, are you ok? Did he do anything to you?". Hoseok asked and Minie cries again. "Shh... Its ok bud". Hoseok sits down on his sofa, placed the little on his lap and rocks him.

"There there, its ok". Hoseok tries to calm the little down. "I got mun... What happen?!?". Dylan ran over to the crying little. "Don't cry Minie, munchy is here to protect you now". Dylan says using a funny voice. "Really?". Minie sniffs. "Of course! I can fight see... bam!". Dylan moves munchies arm.

"See I got the moves". Dylan said and Minie giggled. "Munchy protect Minie from scary man?". Minie asked and Dylan looks at Hoseok with a raised brow. "Yes, munchy will protect you". Dylan says. "Tank you munchy". Minie smiled. "Minie smiled at munchy! Hooray!". Dylan said and Minie laughed.

Minie was sleeping on the sofa and Dylan smiled at him while Hoseok smiled at Dylan. "Your good with littles". Hoseok blurts out. "You think so?". Dylan said and Hoseok nods. "I don't think so, I just didn't want to see him cry". Dylan touched Minie's head. Hoseok smiled warmly at Dylan. "Hey Dylan". Dylan looks at Hoseok. "What's up?". Dylan said.

"Let's have lunch together".

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now