Minie's Christmas

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Yoongi walked in the living room and saw Minie coloring on the floor

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Yoongi walked in the living room and saw Minie coloring on the floor. "Minie, how many times do I have to tell you not to color on the floor". Yoongi said. "But daddy!". Minie whined. "Where am I supposed to color?". Minie asked. "At the table". Yoongi replied. "Not soft". Minie says. "Then color on the couch". Yoongi said. "Too soft". Minie pouted.

Yoongi sighs and shakes his head. "You are so stubborn". Yoongi says and sits on the couch. "Come here love". Yoongi calls out and Minie wobbled to him. "Is Minie in troubie?". Minie asked sitting on his daddy lap. "No, you're not". Yoongi said. "Its cold and dusty on the floor and I don't want you getting sick". Yoongi boops Minie's nose and he giggled.

"Otay". Minie smiled. "Did you decorate your tree?". Yoongi asked. "I did! I did!". Minie says bouncing on Yoongi's lap. "Mi-Minie st-stop". Yoongi stutters. "Daddy wants to see my tree?". Minie says still bouncing on Yoongi's lap. "Bathroom!". Yoongi puts Minie on the couch and races to the bathroom. "Daddy?". Minie tilts his head and follows his daddy.

"Daddy? Are you otay?". Minie asked. "Fi-fine... Ju-just give me five... Fifteen minutes". Yoongi said. "There's cookies in the kitchen, have one and I do mean one". Yoongi said. "Tookies!". Minie ran to the kitchen and took a cookie. Minie stared at the rest of the cookies. "No... Daddy said one...". Minie says still looking at the cookies.

"If I break one in half and throw the other half out the winie, daddy won't know". Minie got a cookie and broke it in half. "Out out you go". Minie tossed the other half out the window. "Yay, more tookies!". Minie went to the living room and ate his cookies. "Daddy won't know". Minie giggled while drinking his milk from his sippy cup when someone knocked on the door.

Minie looked at the door and down the hall where Yoongi was in the bathroom. "Only big boys open the door for strangies". Minie says and continues to eat his cookie and someone knocked again but loudly. "One more knockie and me call gunnie people". Minie said. "Yoongi! Open the fucking door!". Minie ran to the door.

"Hi Uncie Humseok!". Minie says. "Minie? Where's Yoongi?". Hoseok asked. "Tolie". Minie replies. "Well can you open the door? Its freezing out here". Hoseok said. "Sorry Uncie Humseok, Minie can't open the door, strangie dangie". Minie said. "You know me". Hoseok said. "I still can't open the door". Minie said. "Seriously!?!". Hoseok yelled. "Yes".

"Minie! Open the door!". Hoseok shouted. "No". Minie huffed. "Kids and littles get kidnap by people they know, you might want to take me and its Chrismas". Minie said. "What did I tell you about watching the news Minie!". Hoseok said. "Wait for daddy". Minie said. "Ahhhhh!!!". Hoseok screamed and Minie giggled. "What are you doing by the door Minie?". Yoongi said.

"Messing with Uncie Humseok". Minie giggles. "Carry on". Yoongi chuckled. "Yoongi! The door... Open it!". Hoseok yelled. "Can't hear you". Yoongi laughed. "Open this fucking door! I have presents for Minie". Hoseok says and Minie immediately opened the door. "Thank you Minie". Hoseok smiled and Minie pinched his cheek. "You welcome Uncie brighty man". Minie said.

"Its been a year Minie... Call me by my real name". Hoseok said. "It has been a year and Minie is still waiting for you to change your name to Humseok". Minie said. "I can't...". Hoseok sighs. "Here". Hoseok handed Minie his presents. "Tank you!". Minie smiled. "You're welcome bud". Hoseok pats Minie on his head.

"Out". Yoongi shoved Hoseok out the door and slams the door. "Mean daddy". Minie says. "He shouldn't have touched you". Yoongi scoffed. "I'm going to kick your ass!". Hoseok yelled. "Uncie... You own Minie money for bad words". Minie said. "No! You went from a quarter to twenty dollars! I'm not paying you twenty...". "Yes the fuck you will Hoseok".

"I will drag your company, Dylan, your family and your employees family to the ground then I will save you for last, I will cut your ankles, tie you to my basement and watch you bleed out... Give my fucking baby his money now!". Minie opens the door with his hand out. "Own Minie three". Minie said. Hoseok handed Minie three twenty dollars bills and left.

"Tank you mama". Minie said over the phone. "You're welcome baby, have fun!". Minie hung up the phone. "So daddy...".

"Wanna see my tree?".

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now