Friend goals

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"Now that's a sexy selfie"

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"Now that's a sexy selfie". Jimin chuckled and went downstairs to the kitchen.

 Jimin chuckled and went downstairs to the kitchen

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Saya saw her brother and pouted. "Man, I wanted to throw water on you". Saya said. "Wh-what is wrong with you?". Jimin asked. "I don't know". Saya shrugs and continued to eat her breakfast. "Where's mum?". Jimin said. "He said he was going to get a quickie". Saya replied and Jimin widened his eyes.

"Don't you ever say that again". Jimin scolded. "What? All I did was answer your question". Saya said and the door bell rings. "Oh! Its probably Junwoo!". Saya ran to the door. "Who the hell is Junwoo!?!". Jimin yells chasing her after her. "Its just your old friends". Saya rolled her eyes when she passed Jimin.

"Damn, she's mean". Taehyung said. "She's going to be a star". Darren said. Darren transfered to their college after they hung out for a day. "I'm offended". Rose said. "Now let's go, I need to see my man". Rose winked. "Whatever". Jimin said. "To Jimin's car!". Taehyung yells. "What!?!".

Jimin looked at all his friends and Shownu's friends laughing cause they all were quiet

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Jimin looked at all his friends and Shownu's friends laughing cause they all were quiet. "So... What y'all fail this time?". Jimin snickered. "Bitch everything!". Taehyung shouted. "School is for the weak". Darren hissed. "So why are you here?". Jimin asked. "Y'all forced me here!". Darren yelled.

"That's strange... I don't remember holding a gun to your head". Jimin taps his chin. "You did!". Darren shouts. "I didn't cause I would have pulled the trigger". Jimin blow Darren a kiss. "That's fucked up Jimin, like really fucked up". Shownu said and Jimin giggled. "It was hot". Jimin turned to one of Shownu's friend.

"See... I'm still irresistible". Jimin smiled. "Jimin". Jimin placed a hand on his face. "Time to go". Shownu gave Rose a kiss and him and his friends ran away. "Eww". Darren looks Jaebum up and down. "Who's this throw up bucket?". Darren asked. "Just a random dusty person". Jimin answered. "He's making me ill". Rose said.

"I'm calling Kookie, he clearly needs to learn how to defend his self and what better way to do that then getting your ass whopped". Taehyung already had his phone in his hand. "Y'all are so fucking annoying, I'm here for Jimin... Not y'all". Jaebum hissed. "Oh my god". Jimin moves his chair so he can face Jaebum.

Jaebum smiled widely. "Jimin! Umm... I have tick...". "Boy, I'm not talking to you, I'm watching". Jimin grinned. "Watchin...". "Did you just call Rose annoying?". Jaebum turns seeing Shownu cracking his knuckles. "Uh...". Jaebum gulped. "Get him baby!". Rose cheered and the cafeteria door was brutally opened.

 Rose cheered and the cafeteria door was brutally opened

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Jimin wiped the corner of his mouth when he saw the shirtless guy walking near the table

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Jimin wiped the corner of his mouth when he saw the shirtless guy walking near the table. "Wh-who?". Jimin choked out. "That's my daddy". Darren says licking his lips. "Where?". Jungkook growled and Taehyung pointed to Jaebum. Jungkook wasted no time and grabbed Jaebum harshly by his throat.

Jaebum tried to breath but he barely could. "Talking shit my baby huh?". Jungkook hissed. "Guess you need to learn that he's more valuable then your bloodline". Jungkook smirked. The strong man hits Jaebum in his stomach. Jungkook was surprised so he lets go of Jaebum throat. The man stomps on Jaebum stomach then laughs.

"You see him?". The points to Darren who stands up, smiles and princess waves at the students in the cafeteria. "That's mines". The man hissed. "Who the fuck are you to talk to him like that?". The man says darkly. "I...". The man grabs Jaebum's hair. "I will kill you in front of you FUCKING family if you talk about him again!".

The man picks Jaebum up and throws him across the cafeteria. "That goes for all of you!". The man yells looking around the cafeteria. "Take me... fucking take me". Jimin whispered to his self. "Hi daddy!". Darren ran up to his boyfriend. "Hey kitten". The man smiled. "Daddy these are my friends Taehyung, Rose and Jimin". Darren said.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Giu". Giu smiled like nothing happened. "Drop your gym and exercise routine". Jimin blurted out. "What?". Giu said. "You heard me". Jimin said. "Ok?". Giu says looking at Darren. "Look over here". Jimin passed Giu a piece of paper and a pen. "You were serious". Giu said shocked.

"My name is Kim Jimin, I'm always serious". Jimin grinned. "I'll pick you up later". Giu said to Darren and gave him a kiss. "Bye". Darren blushed. "Nice meeting y'all". Giu bowed and walked. "Wait!". Jimin shouted.

"Give me your number!".

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now