Plan K

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"You only passed the test cause you slept with Mr. Dae". Darren said. "I passed cause I studied unlike y'all". Jimin rolled his eyes. "Studying is for the weak". Rose said. "My girl". Darren high fived Rose. "I did study!". Taehyung shouted. "You were drawing Mr. Kim on your desk, I saw you". Shownu said.

"Mind your business!". Taehyung yelled. "Don't yell at him!". Rose yells. "Fight". Darren says looking at Taehyung and Rose. "They can't fight". Shownu sighs. "Yes they can". Jimin said. "He's gay and she's a girl, its a even playing field". Jimin snickers. "I won't let him touch her". Shownu growled. "And your ass will die if you touch Tae". Jimin smiled.

"And speaking of me... I have animals to help". Taehyung looks at his phone. "Where the hell is Kookie?". Taehyung said. "I'll take you to where you have to go". Darren said. "Thank you Ren". Taehyung grins. "See y'all later". Taehyung and Darren waves and walks away. "Come Rose, I saw some pink...". "No!". Jimin yells but it was to late.

"Rowsie hate pink". The little said. "Oh shit". Shownu said. "Nunu said a swear!". Rowsie giggled. "Get her home". Jimin smacked Shownu in his head. "Ow! Sorry, I forgot". Shownu said. "Come on Rowsie, I'll get you some ice cream". Shownu said. "Ok!". Rowsie smiled. "Bye Minie!". Rowsie waved at Jimin. "Bye Rowsie".

 "Bye Rowsie"

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Jimin had to go back in the school cause he forgot his phone. "What idiot leaves their phone in a danger sight like this?". Jimin says putting his phone in his bag. "Jimin".


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"Who are you again?". Jimin asked. "Wait! Don't tell me.... Your Jaesoung right?". Jimin asked. "No". Jimin squits his eyes. "Are you sure?". Jimin said. "Oh! Your umm... That secondary character working for Jungkook". Jimin said. "My name is Youngjae!". Youngjae shouts. "I like secondary character better". Jimin shrugs.

Youngjae was going to say something but only came to do one thing. "Ok, don't panic". Youngjae said. "Uh...". Jimin blinks. "I was forced to do this and I'm SO fucking sorry". Youngjae bows. "What are you... Hey!". Jimin was picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder. "Put me down!". Jimin yells.

"I'm so damn sorry Jimin". Youngjae says again. "Put him in the car". Youngjae orders and the men walked out the school. "I said put me down!!!". Jimin yells again. "Jimin!". Jimin looks up and sees Yoongi across the street. "Yoongi! Help!". Jimin shouts but was already put in the car.

"Jimin!". Yoongi tries to run to get him but the car speeds off.


A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now