"Scary" boy

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Jin and Minie came to the park and Minie was bouncing the whole time

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Jin and Minie came to the park and Minie was bouncing the whole time. "Your dad told me that he took you here to play". Jin said. "Yup!". Minie cheered. "And he also told me that you had ice cream without eating dinner". Jin says and Minie puts his head down.

"I'm not mad at you cutie, I'm mad at your father". Jin said. "But dada didn't eat ice cream cause the only flavorie left was minty". Minie says and Jin shivered. "Waste of space of a ice cream flavor". Jin hissed. "Go play sweetie and make sure I can see you". Jin said. "Ok mama!". Minie kissed his mum on the cheek and ran off.

While Minie was walking around he saw a sand box. "Sandy box!". Minie cheers and tries to go to it but someone ran quickly past him confusing him. The person sat in the middle of the sand box and glared at Minie.

 The person sat in the middle of the sand box and glared at Minie

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"This is mine!". The boy yells at Minie. "Bu-but...". Minie says but the boy placed his hands on his hips. "My sand house! Go away!". The boy yells and Jin looked over. "Who he yelling at?". Jin says and walks up to them. "What's the matter Minie?". Jin asked. "He's trying to take my sand house!".

Jin glared at the young boy and he whimpered. "I wasn't talking to you". Jin growled. "Mama". Minie tucks on his mum shirt. "I don't wanna share!". The young boy throws a tantrum and Jin raised his brow. "Teddy". The young boy stops and Minie turns around.

 The young boy stops and Minie turns around

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"I am so sorry". The man bows. "That's otay!". Minie says and the man smiles at him. "Adorable". The man said. "Daddy!". They turned to the little who clearly wasn't happy. "Didn't I tell you to share?". The man says. "This is mine". The little who's name was Teddy said. "I will ground you, throw away your hamburgers and take Mr. Rawh away from you".

Teddy huffs and looks away. "You better say sorry Teddy". The man growled causing the little to jump. "Teddy's sorry". Teddy plays with his fingers. "That's better". The man says and looks at Jin and Minie. "I'm sorry about him... He doesn't like sharing". The man threw his little a glare before looking at Jin.

"That's fine". Jin said. "I'm SeokJin, Jin for short and this is my son Minie, who's real name is Jimin". Jin said. "Hi!". Minie waved at the man in glee. "I'm Jungkook and this cranky little boy is Taehyung". Jungkook said. "I'm not canky! And my name is Teddy!". Teddy shouted. 'I would beat his ass'. Jin thinks looking at the little.

"Now, I want you to play with Minie". Jungkook said. "Wha? Why!?!". Teddy whined. "Because I said so". Jungkook replied. "We can make sandhomes! I know how to make them". Minie says proudly. "Sand... Homes?". Jungkook said. "Sand castles". Jin said. "He calls them that cause he makes them for the sand creatures".

"That is adorable". Jungkook said. "Yo-you want to play with me?". Teddy asked and Minie nodded. "Bu-but I was mean to you". Teddy said. "You were? I thought you were protecting the sandy box from meanies". Minie tilted his head. "There's a lot of meanies". Teddy said.

"Right!". Minie giggled. "We have to protect sandy". Minie said. "We do! We have to build a gate! Hurry Minie!". Teddy moves over for Minie and he jumps in. Both Jin and Jungkook watched them play with smiles on their faces. "I can't, my son is to cute". Jin takes out his phone and starts taking pictures of Minie.

It was starting to get dark and Jin decides to take Minie home. "Come on sweetie, I still have to make dinner and you need a bath". Jin calls out. "Ok mama". Minie says brushing the sand off his pants and Teddy grabs him. "Don't leave". Teddy says. "Sorry Teddy but I have to, I need a bathie". Minie said. "But can play again soon".

Teddy didn't like that at all and he starts crying. "Oh dear". Jin gasped while Jungkook sighs. Jungkook walks over to him and placed Teddy's pacifier in his mouth. "He's just sleepy, don't worry". Jungkook picks up Teddy who was trying to keep his eyes open.

"Thanks for playing with him Minie". Jungkook said. "Your welcome!". Minie says. "They can always have a play date". Jin said. "I think Teddy will like that". Jungkook looks down at Teddy and coos at him cause he was snoring a little. "You already give me your number, so I'll call you". Jin said and Jungkook nods.

"Bye Hyung, bye Minie". Jungkook smiles at the little. "Bye bye!". Minie says and looks at Teddy.

"Nighty night Teddy".

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now