Bath time

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Minie woke up sad cause he couldn't find munchy

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Minie woke up sad cause he couldn't find munchy. "Mama! Dada!". The little yells but no one came. Minie was already in tears, so he wobbled out his room to go to his parents

 Minie was already in tears, so he wobbled out his room to go to his parents

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"Mama? Dada?". Minie looks in the room and didn't see them. "Th-they gone". Minie falls to the floor and starts crying. He heard running and looks at the door.

 He heard running and looks at the door

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'Nice man'. Minie thinks sniffing. "Hey what's wrong Minie?". Hoseok asked softly. "Gone". Minie points to the bed crying again. "No no, its ok". Hoseok says trying to calm the little down. "They went on a adult business trip and ask me to watch you". Hoseok said. "Not gone?". Minie said and Hoseok shook his head.

"They will be back ok?". Hoseok said. "Otay". Minie smiled. "Good boy". Hoseok pats Minie's head. "And this must be yours". Hoseok handed munchy to him. "Munchy!". Minie hugs his stuffy tightly. "Tank you!". Minie said. "Your welcome". Hoseok chuckled. "How about some breakfast?". Hoseok said. "Nope! Me need bathie!".

Hoseok's whole body had a shut down. "Uhh...". Hoseok scratched his neck. "I don't think I can do that". Hoseok said and Minie pouted. "But I can't do it all by me self". Minie said. 'Didn't even think about this'. Hoseok rubs his head. "Plwease brighty man". Minie begs. "Brighty man". Hoseok couldn't help but laugh at the nick name.

"Alright, but no splashing". Hoseok warns. "Minie doesn't splash". The little shakes his head. "Ok". Hoseok picks up the little and goes into the nearest bathroom.

"This house makes no sense to me"

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"This house makes no sense to me". Hoseok says putting Minie down. "I want bubbas!". Minie says bouncing. "Ok". Hoseok said and starts the bath. Minie was patiently waiting for Hoseok to help him get undress. "There you g... Why are you still in your clothes?". Hoseok asked. "Mi-Minie can't take off his shirt". Minie said.

"Why not?". Hoseok asked. "I-it always stops at my head why I do it by me self". Minie replied. "Ok, turn around". Hoseok says and the little did what he was told and Hoseok takes off the little's shirt. "Tank you". Minie says and takes off his pants. Hoseok smacked his hands over his face.

Hoseok heard a splash and sees that the little was in the tub. "Brighty can you wash my hair?". Minie asked. "Ok, but you know its Hoseok right?". Hoseok said and Minie's eyes lit up. "Mama has Seokie in his name too!". Minie giggled. "Humseok?". Minie tilts his head. "No bud is Hoseok". Hoseok laughed. "But that's a bad word".

"What's a bad word?". Hoseok asked. "The first part". Minie answered. 'How is my name a bad word? its Hoseok... Oh...'. Hoseok sighs. "Ok you can call me Humseok". Hoseok said. "I like brighty". Minie smiled. "Ok". Hoseok says and starts washing the little's hair. "What do you want to do after your do with your bath? Other then eat".

Minie starts thinking and then he giggles.

"Hide and seek!".

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now