Quick feelings

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"And that's how I met Giu"

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"And that's how I met Giu". Darren said. Taehyung, Rose and Jimin just stared at him. "All you did was walk in here saying that!". Rose yelled. "No I didn't!". Darren yelled back. "Yes you did". Taehyung said. "And even if you told us the whole story, nobody cared". Jimin said.

"Y'all some rude ass bitches". Darren huffed. "Duh". Rose rolled her eyes. "Thank you". Taehyung bowed. "Its in my genes". Jimin giggled. "Speaking of genes". Taehyung took something out his bag and hands it to Jimin.

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"Oh how pretty!". Rose says. "Dude...". Jimin rubs his face. "Give this to your mom". Taehyung said. "Tae...". "Give it to him!". Taehyung yelled darkly. "O-ok". Jimin says taking the picture. "And tell me if he likes it and tell me if he said I need to add something". Taehyung said. "Sure". Jimin said. "Thank you!". Taehyung shakes in excitement.

"He's obsessed with your mom isn't he?". Rose whispered to Jimin. "Yes". Jimin shook his head. "You got problems". Darren said. "Go away Darren". Taehyung growled. "Boy, go left". Darren puts his hand in Taehyung's face and they all laughed. "Umm excuse me?". They turned their heads to the door.

 They turned their heads to the door

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"He's the other man that I would have choke me". Darren whispered. "He can get it". Rose says in a low voice. "Right here, right now". Taehyung bit his lip. "H-hi Ho-Hoseok". Jimin stuttered and his friends looked at him. "You sneaky ass bitch". Rose elbowed Jimin. "Greetings, I'm Darren". Darren smiled.

"The name is Taehyung". Taehyung grinned. "I'm Rose, nice to meet you". Rose smirked. "Nice to meet you all". Hoseok bowed. "If your busy I ca...". "Bitch who said we where busy?". Darren asked. "We were just leaving". Rose said. "Nice meeting you". Taehyung says already walking out the door.

"Have fun Jimin". Darren and Rose said at the same time and left. "Bitches". Jimin growled and Hoseok laughed. "S-so why are you here? Not that I mind or whatever". Jimin scratched his neck. "I came to dance with you". Hoseok takes off his jacket. "Yo-you did?". Jimin said. "Yeah". Hoseok smiled.

'Crap'. Jimin blushed. "Ca-can I see you dance?". Jimin asked playing with his fingers. "Sure, I don't mind". Hoseok said and turns on some music using his phone.

'Wow'. Jimin looks at Hoseok while he danced in amazement. 'He's so good'. Jimin said. Hoseok looks at Jimin and smiled and Jimin's heart went crazy. 'Oh... Shit'. Jimin thought. "It wasn't much but that's all I can do on the spot". Hoseok chuckled to his self. "You are incredible". Jimin said.

"I wasn't that good". Hoseok said. "You weren't good... You were fantastic". Jimin said. "I haven't seen someone dance so... Carefree and prefect". Jimin said. "You make me want to quit dancing, that's how good you were". Jimin adds. "Don't quit". Hoseok placed a hand on Jimin's head and Jimin's face heated up.

"It took a lot of practice for me to get this good and so don't quit, ok?". Hoseok said. "O-ok". Jimin smile shyly. "Good". Hoseok says and his phone rings. "Well that's my que". Hoseok said without checking his phone. "See you soon Jimin". Hoseok said. "By-bye". Jimin said. Hoseok gave Jimin a smile and leaves. "Fuck!". Jimin yelled.

"I got feelings".

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now