B gang

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"See y'all later". Jimin hugs Darren, Rose and Taehyung. "Bye all, my daddy is here". Darren purrs and skips away. "He will give me his number". Jimin says glaring at Giu. "Yeah cool... Ready love?". Shownu appears. "Of course". Rose giggles and looks at Jimin. "Might be in little space tomorrow". Rose said.

"Bitch". Jimin hissed and Rose laughed at him. "Bye cutie". Rose winks at Jimin and walks away with Shownu and his friends. "Tae... Taehyung?". Jimin looks around for him but doesn't see him. "Damn it". Jimin panics cause he thought Taehyung might have slipped into little space.

"Shit, this is bad". Jimin says and was about to run to look for him but his phone vibrated in his pocket. "I swear if its mum, I'm getting a new phone". Jimin pulls out his phone to read the text.

Tae tiger
Went to your house to see the other love of my life. Don't call me, I will turn my phone off. Love you buddy. 💜

"Oh my god... My mum's in danger!". Jimin yells and runs to his car just to hear something loud. "What was that?". Jimin says and went to look. Jimin saw a group of boys beating a man. "What...". Jimin stops when he saw the design on the jackets the boys were wearing. 


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'B-B gang'. Jimin slowly backs away. The B gang was a heartless and a absolutely violent gang. How violent? They killed the chief of police in front of his family. 'Should have mind my business'. Jimin thinks and his back hits something. "What's this?". Jimin looks up and sees three men smirking at him. "We got a curious kitten on our hands".

Jimin gulps and smiles nervously. "I was just looking for my cat". Jimin said. "Hahahahaha.... Grab him". A man threw Jimin over his shoulder. "Get off me!". Jimin yells trying to wiggle free. "Hey boss, we find a lost cat". A man laughs. "Really!?! Maybe a can actually kill this one". "He's so small!". "Do we break his neck or...". "Let him go".

Jimin heard a powerful voice with authority and the man puts the Jimin down and looks up.

Jimin heard a powerful voice with authority and the man puts the Jimin down and looks up

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"Ju-Jungkook". Jimin says and every last person pulls their guns out and points them at Jimin. "Did I tell y'all to do that?". Jungkook glared at them. "He's friends with Taehyung... Put those fucking guns away". Jungkook ordered coldly and they did. "Clean this shit up". Jungkook hissed and looks at Jimin. "Jim...". "Your the leader".

Jungkook looks down sadly. "I...". Jimin stops him. "Taehyung... Is...". "Taehyung doesn't know anything about this and I don't want him to know". Jungkook said. "What?". Jimin gasped. "I don't want him scared of me... You have to realized that". Jungkook said. "I'm trying to keep him safe, so the little he knows the better".

"And what if he finds out?". Jimin asked. "What's it to you?". Jimin looks behind him.

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"Who in the fuck is this irrelevant talking to like that?". Jimin says looking straight at the man. When the man opened his mouth, Jimin raised his hand. "You have no fucking right to talk to royalty, so be gone with yourself". Jimin rolled his eyes. "Do you know who your talking to?". The man hissed. "Yeah... A secondary character".

"Ouch". Another man said. "I'm talking to the leader... The main reason why you have a job and you don't realize it yet but I can take your job away from you". Jimin said. "No, you can't". The man said. "Wanna place a bet?". Jimin smiled at him. "Youngjae... He's best friends with my baby... So I will take your job away".

"Bo-boss". Youngjae looks at Jungkook in shock. "I win!". Jimin giggled. "I won't tell Tae". Jimin said. "Thank you Jimin". Jungkook grins. "No problem". Jimin gave Jungkook a eye smile then gasped.

"Oh my god... mum!". Jimin ran off.

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now