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Jimin woke in a familiar room and looks over and sees Yoongi sleeping

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Jimin woke in a familiar room and looks over and sees Yoongi sleeping. 'Hmm'. Jimin smirked getting a idea in his head. Jimin slowly touched Yoongi's chest all the down to his sweatpants. 'Maybe I should play...'. Jimin silently giggled and got on top of Yoongi.

"Always a tease". Jimin mummers quietly while moving his hips. "Mmm". Jimin let out a little moaned then everything happened fast. Yoongi woke up and shoves his self inside of Jimin causing him to scream. "Your the tease Jimin, everyone knows this". Yoongi chuckled. "Yoo...". "Start riding".

Cringe zone (smut)

Jimin being slightly turned on by Yoongi's powerful voice started bouncing. "Mmm". Jimin put his hands on Yoongi's chest for balance, but Yoongi smacked them away. "I said ride me not touch me". Yoongi hissed. "So-sorry daddy". Jimin said holding onto the bed.

"Ah! Ngh!". Jimin starts bouncing faster. "Good! Daddy!". Jimin yells. "I know it is baby". Yoongi smirked enjoying the show. "Daddy! Daddy!". Jimin shouts feeling close. All Yoongi did was smirk when Jimin came all over him. "So-sorry". Jimin says out of breath. "That's ok... Now turn around". Yoongi said.

"Wh-why?". Jimin asked. "So you can ride me from behind". Yoongi replied. "I-I'm tired". Jimin said. "I didn't ask all that, I gave you a command... Now follow it". Yoongi growled. "O-ok". Jimin slowly got up to turn around, just to have Yoongi slam into him. "AHHH!". Jimin screamed. "Shit". Yoongi had his hands on Jimin's waist just to move in and out of him.

"Yoongi! Ah! Yes!". Jimin threw his head back in pleasure. "Come on baby, do your part". Yoongi said. "Mmm". Jimin starts bouncing again while Yoongi rubs his ass, and slaps it. "Ngh!". Jimin shivered. "You liked that didn't you?". Yoongi asked slapping Jimin's ass again. "Ye-yes". Jimin moaned.

"Your such a slutty baby". Yoongi said. "Daddy likes this slutty baby". Jimin says surprising Yoongi. "Bad kitten". Yoongi threw Jimin on his stomach, enters him again and moves roughly. "Ah! Yes! Harder!". Jimin yelled. "Well since you asked so nicely". Yoongi chuckled slamming into Jimin. "MMM!!!". Jimin whined loudly.

"Is that good for you baby?". Yoongi whispered in Jimin's ear. Jimin couldn't answer him. His eyes were filled with tears of pleasure. "Ah!". Yoongi growled feeling close. "Jimin... Mmm". Yoongi groaned and came inside of Jimin. "Mmm". Jimin shivered and panted. It took a minute for Yoongi to realize what he just did.

'Shit...'. Yoongi thought. "Jimin, I...". "Love you Yoongi". Jimin says and Yoongi felt his heart jump. "Yo-you...". Yoongi choked out and Jimin smiles weakly at him. "I love you". Jimin says again.

"I love you too Jimin". Yoongi says and kissed him.

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now