Trusting Tae

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Jimin walked in his house and saw Taehyung following his mom around

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Jimin walked in his house and saw Taehyung following his mom around. "I mean you look stunning". Taehyung said. "Thank you... Again". Jin said. "Taehyung!!!". Jimin yells and Taehyung's eyes sent wide. "I didn't touch him!". Taehyung threw his hands up. "Wh-what?". Jimin stutters. "Ge-get away from mama!".

Minie came out of no where shielding Jin from Taehyung. "Minie". Jin said. "Yes mama?". Minie looks up at his mom. "I'm going to the store so Taehyung is going to watch you". Jin replied. "What!?!". Taehyung and Minie said. "Mr. Kim to be honest with you... Don't trust me with him". Taehyung said. "I don't want the mama stealer!".

"Aww". Jin hugged Minie. "I'll be back ok sweetie?". Jin kissed Minie on his head. "Be good for mama". Jin smiled. "Otay". Minie played with his fingers. "And Taehyung?". Jin looks at him. "Yes wonder?". Taehyung says with loving eyes. "If anything happens to my son... I'll kill you and I'm not fucking joking".

"Of course my royalness". Taehyung bowed. "Ok, bye my baby". Jin hugged Minie. "Bye mama". Minie pouted and watched his mom leave. "I want mama". Minie says tearing up. "Don't worry bud! Your Hyung is here!". Taehyung poses. "Minie doesn't like you...". Minie said and Taehyung puts his head down.

"Ok...". Taehyung rubs his neck. "How about we play a game?". Taehyung said. "Minie wants you to stay away from mama". Minie said. "Uh...". Taehyung smiled nervously. "I wants Teddy to play wit me". Minie crossed his arms. "Maybe next time buddy, how about we eat something? I can make hamburgers". Taehyung said. "Hummyburgers!".


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"A lot of hummyburgers, Minie can't eat them all". Minie said. "Mmm?". Minie turns and sees Taehyung stuffing his face with two hamburgers. "Hey! Those are Minies!". Minie yells. "I made enough for the both of us". Taehyung said. "Minie doesn't want to share with mama stealer". Minie puffs out his cheeks.

Taehyung sighs and looks at the little. "Minie... I'm not going to steal your mum ok? He's with your dad". Taehyung said. "Dada will kick you tushy if you steal mama and Minie will help". Minie smiled. "I won't, I pro...". The door bell rings and Minie runs to the door. "Minie! No!".

Minie was already at the door and he opens it.

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"DADDY!!!". Minie hugs Yoongi and Yoongi laughed. "Hey Minie". Yoongi raffled Minie's hair and Minie giggled. "Min... Who are you?". Taehyung asked. "This is daddy!". Minie chirps.


A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now