Family nonsense

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Jimin was still zoned out about yesterday and he hasn't slept since then. Jin looks at his son who was supposed to help him set the table. "Jimin... I don't care about your problems, I told you to help me". Jin glared at him.

"So-sorry". Jimin jumps up to help his mum. "That's better". Jin smiled. "COME EAT!". Jin screamed and Jimin laughed. "I was coming mum". Saya rubbed her ears pouting. "Sorry baby, that was for you father". Jin said. "I was also coming". Namjoon sighed. "You were supposed to be down here helping me".

"Help you with what? I can't be in the kitchen myself remember?". Namjoon said. "Bout time". "Finally". Namjoon glared at his kids and they laughed. "Ok... settle down and once again, I slayed". Jin said placing the food on the table.

 Jin said placing the food on the table

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"I helped!". Saya said. "She's a little me... In the kitchen". Jin said. "Mum!". Saya whined. "Sorry Princess". Jin giggled. "Can we eat now?". Jimin asked drooling. "I was waiting for y'all". Jin says with a plate filled with food. "Wow... Ok". Jimin said and his family laughs at him.

"And that's how I passed my math test". Saya said. "My Princess is a genius". Jin grins. "Are you serious?". Namjoon said. "Yes". Jin replied. "Mum... She cheated". Jimin said. "Whatever gets the job done". Jin giggles. "Saya... I don't want you to do that again".  Namjoon scolded. "Ok daddy". Saya pouts.

Jin clicked his tongue and Jimin giggled. "By the way Saya, where did you get that hair pin?". Jimin asked. "From Junwoo". Saya replied. "Aww... Your little boyfriend is a sweetheart". Jin giggled. "Oh no, she can't have a boyfriend". Namjoon said. "Why not?". Saya whined. "Cause I said so". Namjoon said.

"Jimin can have a girlfriend but I can...". "Gay". Jimin says cutting off his sister. "I thought you were dating Rose?". Saya said. "Your thoughts were wrong". Jimin replied. "And even if he wasn't, I'm not letting Jimin date no slut". Jin hissed. "So he can have a boyfriend?". Saya asked. "Yes". Her parents said at the same time. "Why can't I have a boyfriend?".

"You're ten". "Cause I said so". "You can". Jin, Namjoon and Jimin looks at each other. "She's ten...". Jimin repeats. "I said she can have one". Jin huffs. "I already said no". Namjoon says drinking his wine. "Of course her brother and father say no". Jin rolled her eyes. "There is no boy on this planet that is good enough for her". Jimin said.

"I will shoot him on sight, so don't bring him here". Namjoon said. "He's eleven!". Jin shouts. "See... He's to old for her". Jimin shakes his head. "So...? Like his age changed my mind". Namjoon said. "Hell, she can't even have a friend that's a boy". Namjoon adds. "That's how it starts". Jimin said and Namjoon nods in agreement.

"And boys don't even believe in dates anymore, its all about getting in the pants". Jimin huffed. "Their aren't many gentlemen out there". Namjoon said. "Their a dying species... Its a shame". Jimin shook his head. "You two can clean the table... Good night, come on Saya". Jin grabs his daughter's hand and leaves.

Namjoon and Jimin looks at them then at each other.

"What we do?"

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now