Second chance?

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"Peace and quiet". Jimin loves coming to his dance studio. It gives him peace and helps him think. "Just take a breather and let everything leave your body". Jimin closed his eyes and screamed. "There all done". Jimin giggled and turned on some music to dance.

Jimin stopped to catch his breath. "Amazing". Jimin jumped and looks over at the door.

 Jimin jumped and looks over at the door

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"You stupid ass asshole". Hoseok hit Yoongi in his back. "Don't hit me!". Yoongi yelled. Jimin was already packing up his things. "Jimin, no!". Yoongi rushed over to him to stop him. "I told you both to stay away from me and now y'all are following me? I'm calling the cops". Jimin said.

Yoongi looked at Hoseok for help. "Jimin, we... I mean I want to talk to you". Hoseok said. "Not talking to kidnappers". Jimin huffed. "Yoongi had nothing to do with it... It was my idea". Jimin turned to Hoseok in shock. "What?". Jimin said. "I...". "How can you do that to me?". Jimin asked. "It wasn't to scare you or anything, I just wanted you two to talk".

"So, you thought kidnapping was a good idea?". Jimin asked. "The fuck happen to having a cup of tea and cookies?". Jimin sarcastically stated. "Look it wasn't supposed to end up like that, they took kidnapping in their own way". Hoseok said. "Well it did happen and I don't feel safe alone with you two, so I'ma go". Jimin said.

Yoongi grabbed Jimin and made him seat down. "How da...". "Shut up, I'm talking now". Yoongi growled. "And that's my cue to leave". Hoseok closed the door while Jimin stared at Yoongi shocked. "Yo-you". "I said shut up". Yoongi glared at Jimin. "Look... All of that was Hoseok's fault, not mine, but I did know about... Just not the details". Yoongi said.

"Yo...". "I'm sorry". Yoongi bowed. "I don't know how many times you want me to say it so I'll keep saying it til you forgive me". Yoongi said. "Yoongi...". "I'm sorry". Yoongi says again. "Stop...". "I'm sorry". Yoongi says again. "Shut up already!". Jimin yelled. "Why are you so persistent?". Jimin asked. "Cause I love you and Minie told me to be".

Jimin paid no mind to the Minie part of the sentence, it was the I love you part that made him blush. "Ho-how can you still love me?". Jimin says with his eyes on the floor. "Why wouldn't I?". Yoongi questioned. "Jimin, you hands down the greatest thing on this planet". Yoongi said and Jimin felt his whole face go red.

"St-stop saying things like that". Jimin said. Yoongi placed a finger under Jimin's chin to make him look at him. "Make me". Yoongi smirked.

And kissed Jimin.

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now