A friend...?

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Jimin fell to the ground panicking. "Cal...". "Yoongi!!!". Jimin shouted and Yoongi ran to him. "Jim... You". Yoongi already had his gun in his hand. "What did you do to him?". Yoongi growled. "I didn't do anything to him!". Jaebum said. "That's why I told your dumb ass to wait".

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"Seco...". "My name is Youngjae!". Youngjae yells. "Why is it here?". Yoongi asked. "Ouch". Jaebum says and Yoongi pointed his gun at him. "He came to apologize... Right Jae?". Youngjae hissed. "I did...". Jaebum said. "I'm sorry Jimin". Jaebum bowed. "Oh...". Jimin tilted his head. "Ok then". Jimin said and Jaebum beamed.

"Thank you!". Jaebum tried to hug Jimin, but Yoongi pushed him away. "Stay away from him". Yoongi hissed. "I'm sorry". Jaebum says and hides behind Youngjae. "Idiot". Youngjae sighs. "Um... Jimin points between Jaebum and Youngjae. "Huh? Oh... Yeah". Youngjae smiled. "Met him at a hospital, someone shot him". Youngjae said.

"It was me, I shot him". Yoongi says proudly. "Y-you". Youngjae blinked. "Got a problem?". Yoongi asked. "N-no". Youngjae shook his head and Yoongi huffed. "Jimin, I want to be friends and I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable". Jaebum bowed. "Umm...". "I'm not rushing you or anything!". Jaebum said.

"I...". "He said no". Yoongi growled. "Yoongi...". Jimin pats Yoongi on his shoulder. "Fine Jae, since your not rushing things". Jimin said. "You are a blessing! Thank you Jimin". Jaebum bowed again. "He's my blessing, you dick". Yoongi scoffed putting his arm around Jimin's waist. "O-ok". Jaebum rubs his neck.

"Now that that's over...". Youngjae grabs Jaebum's hand. "We have a date". Youngjae smiled. "W-we do". Jaebum blushed. "Bye! Say hi to Jungkook for me secondary character". Jimin waved. "My name is...". Youngjae stops seeing Yoongi pull out his gun. "Ok! Bye!". Youngjae ran out the house with a scared Jaebum.

"Hmm... What was that all about?". Jimin asked. "Don't worry about it". Yoongi said. "Let's go cuddle in your room". Yoongi said walking off. Jimin looks at his boyfriend walk off. "What did you do!?!". Jimin yelled. "I said don't worry about it! Now come cuddle with me damn it!".

"Fine!". Jimin laughed and chased after Yoongi.

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now