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"Are you so he isn't a killer or a thief?". Darren asked. "I'm sure, he's a little just like us". Jimin said. "He could be just using that to rob people". Rose points out. "That...". Jimin stops but shakes his head. "No, he needed help so I helped him". Jimin said. "You all didn't ask the most important question". Taehyung said.

"And what is that?". Jimin asked. "Where is your mother?". Taehyung asked. Jimin stares at Taehyung. "I know he isn't in Seoul anymore, so where did he go?". Taehyung said. "Dude... What is wrong with you?". Darren asked. "I'm in love! Get off my back!". Taehyung yells. "And Jungkook is...?". Rose said. "Whatever he wants to be".

"That's cruel". Jimin shakes his head. "Why are y'all ganging up on me?". Taehyung asked. "Jungkook is starstruck over your father!". Taehyung yells. "And like I told you before, I don't mind, its you!". Jimin yells back. "This is discrimination!". Taehyung shouts. "Spell it". Darren said. "Bitch...". Taehyung crossed his arms and they laughed. "Umm...".


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Taehyung, Rose and Darren were drooling but Jimin was already planning how to kill him. "Hello to you too meal". Darren whispers. "How can I help you?". Rose asked. Jimin saw the man look at him. Jimin rolled his eyes. "He got a name?". Taehyung whispered to Jimin. "Yeah... Its John doe". Jimin said.

"Thought it was dom... My mistake". Darren said. "We'll let you two talk". Rose pats Jimin's shoulder. "Don't y'all fucking leave me with this sack of shit!". Jimin spat. "Uncalled for". Jimin growled at the man. "Bye Jimin!". His friends all ran out the room laughing. Jimin didn't even wait for the man to speak when he grabs his things.

"Where are you going?". Jimin didn't answer him. "Look... I'm here to say sorry". "Bullshit". Jimin huffed. "Your only here cause Hoseok won't answer you". Jimin said and the man not saying nothing gave Jimin his answer. "Fine... Got me, just tell him I tried". Jimin saw the man about to leave and he threw his journal at him.

"THE FUCK WA...". "How sad are you?". Jimin said. "You came here just to waste my time and for what?". Jimin asked. "Just seeing you, I know that you hate people but what did ever last person on this planet do to you?". Jimin said. "And why are you belittling people that are littles?". Jimin asked. "Their babies".

"Excu...". "Adults acting like babies to be treated like babies, its disturbing". The man said coldly. Jimin just smiled feeling sad for him then remembers his name. "I was going to say that I feel bad for you, but I can't really because that will be a waste of words for me". Jimin said. "You don't what little space is and that makes you irrelevant... Yoongi".

"Ho...". "The fact that I actually stayed to talk to someone as lonely as you makes me feel disgusted with myself". Jimin chuckled. "I have no idea how someone as sweet and sunny as Hoseok can be friends with filth like you and frankly, I hope he nevers wants to be your friend ever again".

Yoongi stared at Jimin completely shocked. "Don't look at me like that". Jimin glared. "You've been looking down on me since day one, so I thought why not return the favor". Jimin grins. "Your probably thinking don't play fire with fire but I'm not, I'm putting out a fire". Jimin said. "Don't you ever come near me again, and I'm sorry that you will forever be alone".

Jimin puts on his bag and leaves a stunned Yoongi behind him.

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now