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Yoongi was in his office pissed off at a meeting he had early in the morning and WAS NOT in the mood for anything... Well maybe except for one thing. "Mr. Min?". Yoongi didn't even look at the door. "What?". Yoongi says  coldly scaring the women. "A-a Kim Jimin is here". She said and Yoongi fell out his chair.

"Br-bring him in". Yoongi was panicking while fixing his suit and hair. The door opens again and Yoongi froze.

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'Stunning'. Yoongi thinks and clears his throat. "Ji...". "I'm only here cause you wrote that you wanted to show me something". Jimin cuts off. "Ri-right". Yoongi rubs his neck. "Can you follow me please? What I want to show you isn't in here". Yoongi said. Jimin looks at him no longer interested. "No thanks". Jimin goes to leave but Yoongi grabs him.

"Jimin please". Yoongi pledged. Jimin looks at Yoongi then at Yoongi's hand. "So-sorry". Yoongi lets him go. "Five minutes". Jimin said. "That's enough!". Yoongi grabs Jimin's hand and runs out his office. Jimin wanted to protest but he felt the coldness of Yoongi's hand turn warm, so he looks at Yoongi and saw him blushing.

'Why is he...'. Jimin stops remembering the last part of the note. 'He doesn't really like me... Right?'. Jimin asked his self and Yoongi stops in front of a door. "Here". Yoongi takes out a key and opens the door.

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"Wow". Jimin gasped and Yoongi smiled at him. Jimin saw the piano and tilts his head. "You play piano?". Jimin asked but didn't hear Yoongi, so he looks for him. "Yoo... Oh". Jimin gasped again seeing Yoongi seeing at a different piano.

 Jimin gasped again seeing Yoongi seeing at a different piano

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Yoongi noticed Jimin staring and blushed. "Th-this is my piano, the other one belongs to my grandfather". Yoongi said. "Its beautiful". Jimin said and Yoongi looked down embarrassed. "Th-thank you". Yoongi says quietly. "So... Why am I here?". Jimin asked. "I wrote you a song and I want to play it for you".

"Yo-you wrote me a song?". Jimin says and Yoongi nodded. "Will you listen to it?". Yoongi asked. "I-I mean I'm already here so...". Jimin covers his face to hide his blushing face. "Thank you". Yoongi grins and starts playing.

(Oh my god PLEASE, if y'all have any time listen to Yiruma so we can can cry together)

The whole time Yoongi was playing, Jimin was crying. The song was relaxing, refreshing and gorgeous. Jimin hasn't heard anything so beautiful in his life and this melody was for him and him only. 'I...'. Jimin didn't even have the words to say. Yoongi finished his song and looks at Jimin who had tears in his eyes.

"Jimin? What's the matter? Did you not like it?". Yoongi asked scared. "I... Have to go". Jimin covers his mouth and quickly runs out. "Jimin!". Yoongi chased after him but Jimin was long go.


A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now