Helicopter parents

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Two weeks later

"Hello my little cuties, how was your weekend?"

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"Hello my little cuties, how was your weekend?". Mrs. Park asked. "I got me a bunny!". Chia said. "I wanna see!". Eiei bounced. "A bunny isn't a pet". Jeo said. "Me got a doggie". Jeo smirked. "Well daddy got me a lizard". Saho stuck out his tongue towards Jeo. "What... That's not fair!". Jeo puffed out his cheeks.

"I got a turtlie". Yeie says quietly. "Yeie! You gotta speak up, we fwiends here". Jeo smiled. "Okay". Yeie said. "Rowsie can't have a pet". Rowsie pouted. "Why?". Miji asked. "Rowsie lost kitten in a park and mommy won't give me another one". Rowsie replied. "Oh... I got a kitten". Miji giggled. "Hey!". Rowsie shouted.

"Mrs. Park?". Minie raised his hand. "Yes Minie?". Mrs. Park looks at him. "Can we get a class pet?". Minie asked and the littles lost their minds. "Please!". "We'll take goodie care of it!". "Its either pet or a snack corner". Jeo said. "Ca-can we have both?". Yeie asked. "I vote yes!". Rennie says running in.

"Rennie!". Minie runs and gives Rennie a hug. "Hi Minie!". Rennie laughed. "Rennie late!". Eiei pouts. "Traffie". Rennie replied. "I hate traffie, especially when I have to go potty". Chia said. Rennie giggled and sees people sitting in at a table. "Mrs. Park? Why are Minie's mama and dada here?".

Mrs. Park sighs and looks at Jin and Namjoon who were giving her a look of hate and distrust. "Is it cause Mrs. Park didn't watch Minie at the park?". Miji asked. "It was Minie's fault". Minie asked. "It was her fault". Jin hissed. "Can't even watch my son properly, I should kill you". Jin smiled at Mrs. Park.

"Mama, killing is bad". Minie said. "Not when its necessary sweetie". Jin grins. "And for the class pet, I don't want any pet that bites, cause if it bites my baby, I'm stuffing it down your throat". Jin winks at Mrs. Park. "I'm thinking bunny or a turtle". Jin says and Chia jumps. "Pwetty man said bunny! So we got bunny!".

"H-he also said turtlie". Yeie whispered. "Aww". Jin coos at Yeie. "You're so cute! Being shy". Jin giggled. "Tank you". Yeie blushed. Jin laughed and elbowed Namjoon. "What?". Namjoon yawned. "Were you sleeping while watching my son?". Jin growled. "Jin... You woke me up at the crack of dawn just to talk about how you were planning to stalk the class".

"And?". Jin said. Minie watched his parents argue giggling til he saw Nunu(Shownu) out the window and that got him thinking. The little wobbled to his parents and made grabby hands. Namjoon smiled and placed the little on his lap. "What's wrong bud?". Namjoon asked. "Are you sleepy?". Jin asked and Minie shook his head.

"Where's daddy?".

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now