Min Jimin

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Jimin peaked down the aisle and saw Yoongi

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Jimin peaked down the aisle and saw Yoongi.

Jimin peaked down the aisle and saw Yoongi

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He looks so handsome". Jimin said and jumped when someone poked his side. "Today Jimin". Namjoon said. "Ri-right...". Jimin took a deep breath. "Don't tell me you got cold feet". Namjoon said. "I'm too hot for cold feet... I'm just nervous". Jimin replied. "Yo-your around your mom WAY to much". Namjoon said.

"I'll take that as a compliment". Jimin giggled. "Now lets go, my man is waiting for me". Jimin said. "Whatever". Namjoon rolled his eyes and starts walking Jimin down the aisle. "That's my fucking baby!". Jin says taking pictures of Jimin. "Y'all wish your kids were that beautiful!". Jin laughed like a maniac.

"I gave you tape for a reason". Jimin whispered. "I-I broke it". Namjoon looked down. "How the fuck did you break tape?". Jimin said. "I don't know". Namjoon replied. "And don't curse at me". Namjoon hissed. "Sorry". Jimin giggled, kissed his dad on the cheek and went to Yoongi's side. "You look beautiful". Yoongi said. "Th-thank you". Jimin blushed.

"Bestie is slaying!". Rose said. "Get it Chim and after this we're having a talk about this yellow shit". Taehyung looks at his yellow suit and gagged. "You look stunning Tae". Jungkook said. "I look like a caramelized banana". Taehyung said. "Quiet!". Yoongi yelled coldly and room went silent. "You, start my wedding". Yoongi says to the priest.

"O-ok?". The priest cleared his throat. "So... Neither of you wrote vows and you told me not to waste time so what do you want me to do?". The priest asked. "Get to the important part". Yoongi said. "What type of wedding is this?". Dylan whispered. "Shh... Yoongi will kill you". Hoseok whispered back. "Sure he will". Dylan rolled his eyes.

"I... Uh... Rings!". The priest yelled and Junwoo appeared in a silver suit. "You're so cute!". Jin squealed. "Here's your ring Jiminie!". Junwoo smiled. "Than...". "Call him that again and I'll rip your throat off". Yoongi growled snatching the ring from him. "Here's your ring Jiminie". Yoongi smiled.

 Yoongi smiled

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"Joonie...". "Yeah, yeah". Namjoon says already on his phone. "Jimin... This ring is meaningless". Yoongi said. "I don't need the world to know how much I love you, but I do need the world to know that your my one and only as well as mine". Yoongi said putting the ring on Jimin's finger.

"When I say mine, I mean my hope, my life, my world, my future... New and old, and my forever". Yoongi says and looked at the guest. "When I first met Jimin... I was a asshole to him". Yoongi said. "Yoongi no". Jimin says, but Yoongi smiled. "I looked down on littles without knowing anything about them and treated Jimin like he was a illness".

Jin was already pulling a gun out his bag. "But... I looked up littles not for me but for you Jimin". Yoongi looked straight into Jimin's eyes. "When I saw how scared you were looking in Hoseok's office, I had to do something to change that, then I saw you crying at the mall and felt like shit". Yoongi says kneeling down to Jimin.

"I know your tired of hearing me say this, but I will never stop". Yoongi kissed Jimin's hand. "I'm sorry". Yoongi said. "I forgive you, now get up". Jimin said and Yoongi got up to kiss him. "Uh... I now pronounce you husbands! Mr. Min's". The priest. "WHAT!?!". Both Jin and Namjoon screamed at the same time. "Party time!". Darren yelled.

 Darren yelled

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"This is what I'm talking about". Taehyung says swinging his hips. "Mmm...". Jungkook bit his lip watching him. "Let's dance Giu!". Darren pulled his fiancee on the dance floor. "Please". Dylan scoffed. "Let's show them some real dancing". Dylan said dragging Hoseok on dance floor.

"H-he lied to me". Jin says staring at Jimin who was giggling sitting on Yoongi's lap. "He lied to us both". Namjoon says then smirked. "Thinking what I'm thinking?". Namjoon said looking off somewhere. "Let's do it". Jin replied and they both walked to a corner of the room and stops.

 Jin replied and they both walked to a corner of the room and stops

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"I mean... We did TECHNICALLY paid for it". Jin said. "Indeed". Namjoon nodded. "Get away from my cake". Yoongi hissed. "And you still have Saya to take the Kim name". Yoongi pointed to Saya who was dancing with Junwoo. "Welp, time for him to die". Namjoon said. "Joonie no!". Jin yells chasing after his husband.

"What was that about?". Jimin asked. "Nothing baby". Yoongi kissed his cheek.  "Now, come... I have some to show you". Yoongi said. "But, but Daewoon". Jimin said. "He's fine, look". Yoongi pointed to Rose, Jin and Darren who was fighting over Daewoon. "We need to help my bab... Hey!". Yoongi pulled Jimin out the building.

And to his surprise.

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now