Welcome Jimin

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Jimin woke up and saw that he was sleeping in Minie's room

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Jimin woke up and saw that he was sleeping in Minie's room. "Again?". Jimin sighs and rubs his neck. "This bed is going to break my neck, I just know it". Jimin slowly gets up and immediately falls to the floor. "How!?!". Jimin yelled and took a deep breath. "Today is a good day, make today a good day".

Jimin left Minie's room and to go to his room to get ready for class. "If Rose pulls another prank on me, I swear to god...". "JIMIN!". Jimin shakes his head and was hugged from behind. "Morning!". Jimin giggled and looks over his shoulder.

(I gave him a sister cause why the fuck not 😂)

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(I gave him a sister cause why the fuck not 😂)

Jimin pets his little sister on his head. "Morning Saya". Jimin said. "So... Question". Saya said. "And that is?". Jimin raised his brow. "Can I play with Minie?". Saya asked and Jimin walked away from her. "Hey!". Saya chased after her brother. "Come on! Its been forever sine we had a tea party!". Saya whined.

"Next time". Jimin said. "But Jimin!". Saya whined. "Next time Yaya, I promise". Jimin said. "Ok...". Saya pouted. "Good morning my babies". Jin says seeing his kids walk in the kitchen. "Mum!". Saya ran to Jin. "Hi baby". Jin kissed Saya on her head and looks at Jimin. "Get over here before I pull your ear". Jin hissed and Jimin walked over to his mum.

"Hi Prince!". Jin kissed Jimin on his cheek. "I smell bacon". Namjoon says yawning. "Daddy!". Saya ran to Namjoon and he picks her up. "Hello Princess". Namjoon kisses her head. "Now can you tell me why your teacher called me saying that you punched a boy in his face?". Namjoon asked her.

"That's easy daddy". Saya giggled. "He touched my hair". Saya said. "He deserved it". Jin growled. "What?". Jimin said. "You heard me". Jin huffed. "Jin". Namjoon sighs. "What? This common kids shouldn't touch royalty". Jin hissed. "My Princess had every right to hit him". Jin smiled. "Thank you mum!". Saya said. "Can I go?".

 "Can I go?"

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"When did you leave to get dressed?". Jin asked. "See... I told you, you don't pay attention mum". Jimin laughed. "Whatever". Jin rolled his eyes and they laughed. "Bye sweetie". Jin kissed Jimin's head. "Bye". Jimin waved. "Make sure to call me when you get there, when you have a break, during lun...".

"Bye mum". Jimin walked out the house. "Did he just leave while I was talking to him?". Jin questioned. "Come on Saya, let's get you ready for school". Namjoon walked out the kitchen with Saya. "Fine!". Jin yelled. "None of you eat!".

 "None of you eat!"

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Jimin looked at his college already tired of it. "I want to go home". Jimin says and was tapped on his shoulder, so he turns around.

 Jimin says and was tapped on his shoulder, so he turns around

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"Hi!". Rose beamed and Jimin had a heartattack. "The fuck Rose!". Jimin says and Rose laughed. "What? All I did was say hi". Rose smiled. "You were to close". Jimin said. "Aww... Did I make you nervous?". Rose asked. "As pretty as you are Rose, I'm gay and you can't change that". Jimin replied.

"Eww... As if". Rose scoffed. "I'm your best friend and REAL best friends don't cross that line". Rose waves her finger in the air. "Cute". Jimin said. "What! I'm adorable!". Rose shouted. "No I'm adorable, that's why I called you cute". Jimin grinned. "Now come on... I want to get this day over with". Jimin said.

"Jimin... You know its Tuesday right?". Rose said.


(I'm already having a bad day, so I want to be with my Rose babies)

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now