Kim family

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A year later

Jimin was in his dressing room, taking a deep breath. "You got this". Jimin says looking at his self in the mirror.

 Jimin says looking at his self in the mirror

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"I look fabulous as always". Jimin giggled and the door was opened and his mom and son walked in.


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"Daewoon!". Jimin hugged his son who was giggled. "Mama!". Daewoon said. "H-he called me mama, I'm so happy!". Jimin sniffed. "Whatever now about you taking away my happiness". Jin said. "Mum, I told you... You can't be my maid of honor or best man". Jimin says putting his son down.

"Why not!?!". Jin yelled. "I'm more beautiful then Rose and ten times more handsome then Taehyung". Jin said. "Taehyung will thank you for that". Jimin chuckled. "And that will be weird". Jimin said. "You have best man AND a maid of honor! That's weird!". Jin shouted. "They tried to kill me". Jimin shivered. "Jim...". "Dad! Mum's doing it again!".

"You bitch". Jin hissed and Namjoon pulled Jin out the room. "Damn it Joon! Let go of me!". Jin yelled. "Come on Dae, your mom needs to get ready". Namjoon said. Daewoon hugged Jimin's leg and left. "Take our last name Jimin!'. Jin shouted. "Actually... I'm taking Yoongi's". Jimin said and his parents looked at him shocked.

"No the hell you not". Namjoon said. "Get him baby". Jin huffed. "The Kim's is a traditional name, you have to it". Namjoon said. "Kim Yoongi and Kim Daewoon, doesn't that sound nice?". Jin asked. "Kind of". Jimin said. "But... I like Min". Jimin said. "Min Jimin, sounds ridiculous". Namjoon rolled his eyes. "Fine, I'll just take both names".

"That's a last resort of the lazy". Jin scoffed and Jimin sighs. "You two had the same last name, why are you fighting me on this?". Jimin asked and his parents glared at him. "Fine... I'll keep Kim". Jimin says crossing his toes. "Good, we'll be outside". Jin kissed Jimin on his head. "Come on baby, you can sit next to me". Jin picked up Daewoon and left.

"Jimin". Jimin looked at his dad. "Yeah?". Jimin says. Namjoon said nothing and hugged Jimin. "Dad?". Jimin says confused. "You make sure he keeps you happy, understood?". Namjoon said. "I know... Thanks dad". Jimin returned the hug. Namjoon pinched Jimin's cheek, smiled and left.

Jimin smiled when his dad left and looked at the mirror again. "Don't worry dad...".

"Yoongi will keep my happy".

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now