One on one

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"LET ME OUT!!!". Jimin was banging and kicking on the door. "I will have you killed!". Jimin yelled. "Like I said before, I'm sorry". Jimin hissed. "Does Jungkook know your doing this to me!?!". Jimin shouted. "Yes, but he's not here... Look your not in any danger ok? We're just waiting for him".

"Waiting? Waiting for who?". Jimin asked. "Someone". Jimin rolled his eyes. "He's here". Jimin tilted his head. "Who's here?". Jimin said but heard nothing. "Hello!?!". Jimin yelled. "Jimin!". 'Yoongi?'. Jimin started banging in the door. "Yoongi!!!". Jimin shouted. "Jimin! Move from the door!".

Jimin moves and Yoongi kicked the door open. "Are you o...". Jimin ran and gave Yoongi a tight hug. "Thank you". Jimin whispered. "You welcome". Yoongi said standing like a board cause he didn't want to hug Jimin. "Yoongi". Jimin giggled. "Why are you so stiff?". Jimin asked. "Cause...". *SLAM!*.

The door was slammed shut and Yoongi ran to it. "Locked". Yoongi looks at the door surprised. "What?". Jimin went to the door to door just to kick it. "GET ME OUT! YOU DICK HANDLER!". Jimin screamed. "Yeah... No". 'Jungkook?'.

"Jungkook! Get me out of here!". Jimin yelled. "Nah... I was paid to do this so... You two have fun... Take that anyway you want, we'll be back in three hours and there's no service in here so don't try to use your phone, bye". Jimin heard footsteps walking away and wanted to scream. Jimin walked right passed Yoongi and sat in a chair.

"Umm...". Yoongi says looking at Jimin. "Don't start... Please". Jimin said. Yoongi didn't take that, so he walked up to Jimin, went down on one knee, grabs Jimin's hand and kissed it.

"Yoon...". "Jimin, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry". Yoongi said kissing Jimin's hand again. "I-I get it ok". Jimin blushed looking away. "Y-you". Yoongi looks at Jimin. "I forgive you, so just... St-stop doing the hand thing". Jimin says still blushing. "Thank god!". Yoongi hugged Jimin. "Thank you!". Yoongi said.

Jimin was surprised but giggled. "Ok". Jimin lightly pushed Yoongi away and stares at Yoongi. "Jimin...". Yoongi said. "What's the... Mmm". Jimin's eyes widened.

Yoongi kissed him.

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now