Handsome babysitter

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"YOU DID WHAT!?!". Jimin screamed towards his mom. "Why the fuck are you raising your god damn voice in my house?". Jin said. "Umm". Jimin backed away from Jin. "And what's the problem? Hoseok is a nice guy". Jin said. 'And cute'. Jimin thinks blushing. "Oh my god, you like him!?!".

"Mum!". Jimin covered his face. "That's so cute!". Jin squealed. "Mum please". Jimin said. "See... I did picture you with Taehyung because you two look cute together". Jin said. "He's with Jungkook". Jimin said. "I didn't know, I thought they were brothers". Jin giggled. "Why can't I say with grandma and grandpa?". Jimin asked.

"Jimin... The last time you stayed at my parents house... You almost drowned". Jin said. "And the last time you stayed with your father's parents they lost you while you were in little space... I no longer trust them". Jin said. "So why is Saya staying with them?". Jimin asked.

"Cause your uncle Ken is there". Jin answered and the door bell rings. "Oh he's here and such a gentleman, used the door bell even though I gave him a key". Jin goes to open but Jimin wraps his self around his leg. "Mum, please don't open the door". Jimin begs. "Get off me Jimin". Jin said. "No!".

Jin had to hit Jimin in his head for him to let him go so he can get the door for Hoseok. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god". Jimin was panicking the whole time. "Breath". Jimin started to take really big breathes to sooth his nervousness. "Hey Jimin".

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'Oh what the fuck!'. Jimin yells in his mind. "H-hi Hyung". Jimin said. "Did your mum tell you?". Hoseok asked. "Yeah". Jimin sighs. "Sorry if yo...". "No!". Jimin shouts. "I... Umm don't mind". Jimin said. "You don't? I thought you might be uncomfortable". Hoseok said. "I'm not". Jimin smiled. "Thanks Jimin". Hoseok grinned.

"Yo-yo-your welcome". Jimin closed his eyes feeling stupid. "Are you o...". "Let me show you to your room". Jimin says speeding off. "Jimin wait!".

 "Jimin wait!"

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"Goodness". Hoseok said. "I hope you like it". Jimin says blushing. "Its gorgeous, thank you Jimin". Hoseok said. "Yo-your welcome... Night". Jimin ran out the room and Hoseok got confused.

"Is he ok?".

A Little named Jimin(Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now